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Get Rapid Plans Ltd

Architectural Services

Phone: 07507 665812 or 07538 938251


Dreaming of a home renovation or a brand-new development in Barking and Dagenham? You might need to navigate the world of architectural planning permission. But fret not, this blog will be your guide!

Do You Need Permission?

Before diving in, it’s crucial to assess if your project requires planning permission. The London Borough of Barking and Dagenham ( offers a handy resource to check if your plans fall under permitted development ( Generally, minor alterations like internal renovations or small extensions may not require formal permission.

Barking and Dagenham Architectural Planning Permission Consultant

Charting the Course: Local Authority and Guidance

The Local Authority, Barking and Dagenham Council plays a pivotal role in assessing planning applications. Their website provides a treasure trove of information, including:

Seeking Professional Help

The planning permission process can involve technicalities and local nuances. Consider seeking assistance from:

  • Architectural planning consultants:  professionals can guide you through the entire process, from initial feasibility assessments to creating architectural drawings and submitting the application.
  • Architects: An architect can design your project to not only meet your vision but also adhere to planning regulations and enhance the overall aesthetic quality

A Step-by-Step Guide to Your Barking and Dagenham Planning Application

Does your mind dance with visions of a revamped kitchen or a blooming home extension in Barking and Dagenham? Before transforming your dreams into bricks and mortar, you might need to navigate the planning permission process. But fret no more! This guide will be your roadmap to a successful Barking and Dagenham planning application.

Step 1: Do I Need Permission?

Not all projects require formal planning permission from the Barking and Dagenham Council. Check their website ( to see if your plans fall under permitted development. Generally, minor alterations like internal renovations or small extensions may not need it.

Step 2: Understanding the Local Landscape

The Barking and Dagenham Council website is your treasure trove of information. Dive into their planning policy section ( to understand the council’s vision for the borough’s development. Familiarize yourself with these policies, as they heavily influence the council’s decision on your application. Additionally, explore the Local Plan (, a document outlining the borough’s development blueprint until 2037. Understanding both will ensure your project aligns with the council’s goals for the area.

Step 3: Assemble Your Application Arsenal

The core of your application will be a detailed plan outlining your project. This typically includes:

  • Application form: You can find this on the council’s website.
  • Site plans and drawings: These illustrate your proposal clearly, including existing and proposed layouts. Consider enlisting an architect for professional drawings.
  • Design and access statement: This document explains your project’s design choices and how it considers accessibility.

Supporting documents: This may include ownership details, structural reports, and environmental impact assessments depending on your project’s complexity.

Step 4: Submitting Your Application

Once you have meticulously compiled all the necessary documents, head over to the council’s planning portal to submit your application electronically. There, you’ll also pay the associated planning application fee.

Step 5: Patience and Communication

The council will assess your application, and you might be contacted for further information. This process can take up to eight weeks, so patience is key. The council’s planning portal will keep you updated on the application’s progress.

Step 6: The Outcome

The council will ultimately approve, reject, or request modifications to your application. If your application is rejected, don’t despair! The council will provide feedback for potential resubmission or you may choose to appeal the decision.

Getting Professional Help

The planning permission process can involve technicalities and local nuances. Consider consulting a planning permission consultant or architect for guidance throughout the journey. Their expertise can significantly increase your chances of a successful application.

Your Barking and Dagenham Dream Awaits

With careful planning, a bit of research, and perhaps some professional help, navigating the Barking and Dagenham planning permission process can be a successful endeavor. So, grab your metaphorical bricks, follow this guide, and transform your vision into a beautiful reality!

Why Consider a Consultant?

Sure, you can brave the planning maze alone. But a architectural consultant brings a wealth of experience to the table:

  • Local Knowledge: They possess an in-depth understanding of Barking and Dagenham’s planning policies and nuances. This ensures your project aligns with the council’s vision for the borough, increasing your application’s success rate.
  • Expertise in the Process: From initial feasibility assessments to navigating council procedures and potential appeals, consultants can guide you every step of the way.
  • Technical Prowess: They can handle the technical aspects of your application, including compiling required documents and architectural drawings.
  • Time-Saving Efficiency: Consultants can streamline the process, saving you valuable time and frustration. They handle the communication with the council, keeping you informed throughout.

Finding the Right Consultant

With a plethora of planning consultants in Barking and Dagenham, choosing the right one is key. Here are some tips:

  • Experience: Look for consultants with a proven track record of securing planning permission in Barking and Dagenham specifically.
  • Services Offered: Ensure their services align with your project’s needs. Do you require assistance with architectural design as well?
  • Communication Style: Find a consultant who explains things clearly and keeps you involved in the decision-making process.
  • Fees and Transparency: Be upfront about your budget and get a clear idea of their fee structure before signing on the dotted line.

The Benefits Outweigh the Costs

While hiring a planning consultant involves an investment, the benefits often outweigh the costs. They can save you time, money, and frustration in the long run. A successful planning application translates to a stress-free building process and ultimately, your dream project coming to life.

Conclusion :

Don’t let the complexities of planning permission hold you back. By partnering with a qualified architectural consultant in Barking and Dagenham, you can transform your vision into a reality. Research local consultants, ask questions, and find the perfect fit to guide you through this crucial step in your development journey.