Get Rapid Plans Ltd

Architectural Services

Phone: +44 7507 665812 or +44 7538 938251


Get Rapid Plans Ltd

Architectural Services

Phone: 07507 665812 or 07538 938251


Party Wall Surveys

You need to address party wall matters when your construction or renovation work may affect a shared wall or boundary with your neighbour’s property.

This includes building on the boundary, cutting into the wall, excavating nearby, demolishing or rebuilding the wall, or underpinning it for foundation support.

By following the Party Wall etc Act 1996, you can maintain a positive relationship with your neighbors and ensure a smooth construction process. Consulting with a party wall surveyor or experienced architect can guide you through the necessary steps to comply with regulations.

Party Wall Services You Can Trust

Experienced & Knowledgeable Surveyors

Our team specializes in party wall matters with precision and professionalism, ensuring accurate preparation of party wall notices and agreements.

Impartial Guidance

We’ll act as the agreed surveyor or assist in appointing suitable surveyors, providing unbiased mediation for party wall disputes.

Compliance & Efficiency

Trust us to handle your party wall requirements, ensuring full compliance with regulations and legal requirements for a smooth construction process.

How it works

Serving Party Wall Notices

Our experienced surveyors will handle the critical first step of serving formal party wall notices to all adjoining owners (neighbours) who share a party wall or boundary structure.

These notices inform the neighbours about the proposed works and their potential impact on the shared structure. We ensure that the notices are accurately prepared and served in accordance with the Party Wall Act of 1996, following the required timelines.

Responses and Party Wall Agreements

Upon receiving the party wall notice, adjoining owners have the option to respond with either consent or dissent. If they consent to the proposed works, we facilitate an amicable agreement, avoiding unnecessary disputes.

However, in the event of dissent, we offer our expertise in negotiating party wall agreements, sometimes referred to as party wall awards. Our goal is to create legally binding agreements that protect both parties’ interests and comply with all relevant regulations.

Appointment of Party Wall Surveyors:

In case of a dispute, each party (the building owner and dissenting neighbours) may appoint their own party wall surveyor. As skilled professionals, we can act as the agreed surveyor if appointed by both parties.

Our team of experts will assess the proposed works’ potential impact on the party wall and adjoining properties, providing impartial and knowledgeable guidance throughout the process, with minimal hassle to you.

Party Wall Awards

We create comprehensive party wall agreements that outline the agreed-upon terms for the construction.

These agreements cover aspects such as access arrangements, working hours, and measures to protect both parties’ interests. We ensure that the party wall awards are detailed and comply with all necessary legal requirements.

Do I Need to Serve a Party Wall Notice?

At Get Rapid Plans, we’re dedicated to ensuring that your construction projects proceed smoothly. If your project involves work near shared property boundaries, it’s important to understand the Party Wall Act 1996 (Party Wall Act) requirements. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown:

Under the provisions of the Party Wall Act, it’s imperative to inform your neighbours when any of the following situations arise:

– Building at or along the boundary of your properties

– Carrying out work on an existing party wall or party structure

– Excavating near or beneath the foundation level of your neighbour’s building or structure

Compliance with the Party Wall Act entails serving written notices to all Adjoining Owners, typically at least two months before the anticipated start of construction. It’s important to strike the right balance; serving the notice too early may lead to its expiration before work begins.

Bear in mind that the notice remains valid for a period of one year from the date of service. This ensures that your neighbours remain informed and engaged throughout the relevant project phases.

At Get Rapid Plans, we emphasize proactive communication. Before formally serving a notice, we encourage building owners to engage in open discussions with their neighbours. When neighbours feel consulted and kept in the loop, they’re less likely to hastily appoint surveyors upon receiving a notice. This approach helps mitigate potential disputes and reduces the risk of incurring significant surveyor’s fees.

Our commitment to a collaborative and neighbour-friendly approach aligns with our values. By navigating the Party Wall Act requirements strategically, we aim to facilitate a seamless construction process while fostering positive neighbourly relations.

Whether you’re embarking on a loft conversion, house extension, or any project involving party walls, Get Rapid Plans is your trusted partner. We guide you through the intricacies of the Party Wall Act, ensuring compliance and a harmonious neighbourhood atmosphere. Contact Get Rapid Plans today to embark on your project with confidence.

How Much Notice Do You Have to Give Before Starting Work?

At Get Rapid Plans, we’re your partners in navigating the intricacies of the Party Wall Act and ensuring smooth construction processes. Here’s what you need to know about the timing of Party Wall notices:

When it comes to Party Wall notices, timing is crucial. If your construction project involves building at or along shared property boundaries, working on existing party walls or structures, or excavating near foundation levels, the Party Wall Act requires you to inform your neighbours.

To ensure compliance with the Party Wall Act, it’s recommended to serve written notices to all Adjoining Owners at least two months before you intend to start the construction work. Striking the right balance is key—serving the notice too early could lead to its expiration before work begins.

It’s important to note that the validity of a Party Wall notice lasts for one year from the date of service. This means that your neighbours will remain informed and engaged throughout the relevant phases of your project.

While prompt notice is essential, serving a notice too early can lead to complications. At Get Rapid Plans, we guide you in choosing the optimal time to serve the notice, ensuring it’s relevant and effective for your project timeline.

Our commitment to effective communication and compliance with Party Wall Act requirements sets the foundation for a seamless construction process and positive neighbourhood interactions. By working together with our experienced professionals, you can navigate the intricacies of the Party Wall Act with confidence and clarity.

Whether you’re embarking on a loft conversion, house extension, or any project involving party walls, Get Rapid Plans is your reliable partner. Contact us today to ensure that your Party Wall notices are timely, effective, and in alignment with the regulations. Your project’s success and positive neighbourly relations are our top priorities.

Who Pays the Party Wall Surveyor’s Fees?

At Get Rapid Plans, we prioritize transparency and efficiency in managing Party Wall surveyor fees, ensuring a fair and smooth process for all parties involved. Here’s what you need to know about surveyor fees and how we streamline the process:

Typically, the Building Owner is responsible for covering all costs related to drawing up the Party Wall Award, which includes the fees of the Adjoining Owner’s surveyor. This applies when the construction works primarily benefit the Building Owner.

Efficiency is key to minimizing Adjoining Owner’s surveyor fees. We understand the importance of effective communication and timely collaboration to ensure that the entire Party Wall process is managed optimally.

In case of a disagreement between the two appointed surveyors regarding a reasonable fee, the matter can be referred to the Third Surveyor, who holds the final decision-making authority.

We take pride in our ability to streamline the Party Wall process, ensuring that surveyor fees are reasonable and well-justified. Our experienced professionals navigate the complexities with expertise, guiding you through the process and facilitating effective communication between parties.

For a quick estimate of Party Wall surveyor fees tailored to your specific project, provide us with the details of your planned work. Our goal is to offer you a clear understanding of potential costs, allowing you to make informed decisions.

At Get Rapid Plans, we prioritize fairness, communication, and efficiency in all Party Wall matters. Our team is committed to ensuring that surveyor fees are managed responsibly and in accordance with regulations. Contact us today to experience a transparent and streamlined Party Wall process for your project. Your peace of mind is our priority.

Can You Reach a Party Wall Agreement Without a Surveyor?

At Get Rapid Plans, we believe in providing you with comprehensive guidance on Party Wall matters, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of your rights and responsibilities. When it comes to Party Wall disputes and consent, here’s what you need to know:

Surveyors are typically appointed when a dispute arises between parties. This can occur when an adjoining owner does not respond to a notice or when their response indicates a disagreement. The involvement of surveyors aims to impartially resolve disputes and ensure a fair outcome.

Instead of initiating a formal dispute, adjoining owners have the option to provide consent to a Party Wall notice. This consent can be conditional, allowing the adjoining owner to set specific terms or conditions. For example, consent might be given if a record of the condition of their premises is conducted before the works commence.

While providing consent can be a more cooperative approach, it should not be taken lightly. It’s crucial to understand that by consenting, the adjoining owner accepts the potential consequences and responsibilities associated with the works. This includes liability for any issues that may arise as a result of the construction.

At Get Rapid Plans, we advocate for informed decision-making. Before providing consent, it’s important to fully understand the implications, potential risks, and benefits. Our detailed article on providing consent to a party wall notice offers valuable guidance to help you make an informed choice.

Our team is dedicated to supporting you throughout the Party Wall process. We provide expert advice, detailed information, and resources to ensure that your rights are protected and your decisions are well-informed. Our commitment is to guide you every step of the way, making the process smoother and more manageable.

At Get Rapid Plans, we prioritize clear communication, fairness, and informed choices in all Party Wall matters. Contact us today to partner with a team that is dedicated to your best interests. Your peace of mind is our priority.

Does a Party Wall Award Transfer to a New Adjoining Owner?

At Get Rapid Plans, we understand the importance of a seamless Party Wall process. When it comes to the validity and transferability of a Party Wall Award, here’s what you need to know:

A Party Wall Award remains effective not only for the initial adjoining owners but also extends to subsequent owners of the properties. This transferability ensures that the rights and obligations established by the Award persist, offering clarity and protection to all parties involved.

For an Award to remain valid, it must adhere to the stipulated conditions and timelines. This emphasizes the significance of thoroughness and accuracy throughout the Party Wall process. A valid Award maintains its legal status and serves as a reference point for all parties.

While an Award remains valid for subsequent owners, a change in ownership can lead to the voiding of the existing Award. If the owners proposing the work change, the Award becomes void, and the Party Wall process must be initiated once again.

At Get Rapid Plans, we prioritize efficiency and continuity in the Party Wall process. We ensure that every step is carried out diligently to maintain the validity of the Award and provide clarity for all parties involved.

Our experienced team specializes in Party Wall matters, offering expert guidance to ensure a smooth and uninterrupted process. We assist in preparing, serving, and handling Party Wall notices and Awards, ensuring that your rights are protected and your obligations are met.

Whether you’re a current or subsequent owner, Get Rapid Plans is your partner for a successful Party Wall journey. We strive to uphold transparency, professionalism, and effective communication throughout the process, ensuring that your rights are upheld and your interests are safeguarded.

At Get Rapid Plans, our commitment is to deliver clarity, continuity, and peace of mind in all Party Wall matters. Contact us today to partner with a team that is dedicated to your success. Your smooth Party Wall process starts here.

What Is an Adjoining Owner Under the Party Wall Act?

Navigating the intricacies of Party Wall matters requires clarity on the terminology used. At Get Rapid Plans, we’re committed to providing you with comprehensive information. Here’s a breakdown of two key terms you need to know:

An “adjoining owner” is the owner of a property that shares a boundary with the property where proposed construction or renovation work is planned. This individual is directly affected by the work due to its proximity to their property. At Get Rapid Plans, we offer detailed guidance on how adjoining owners are impacted by Party Wall processes.

The “building owner” is the owner of the property where the construction or renovation work is proposed. This individual is responsible for initiating the Party Wall process and serving relevant notices to adjoining owners. As the building owner, you hold the key role in ensuring that the Party Wall process is carried out diligently and in accordance with legal requirements.

Understanding these terms is crucial for a seamless Party Wall process. Whether you’re an adjoining owner seeking clarity on your rights or a building owner taking on the responsibility of initiating the process, Get Rapid Plans is here to assist you every step of the way.

Our team of experts specializes in Party Wall matters, offering you professional guidance to ensure that your rights are protected, obligations are fulfilled, and the process runs smoothly. We provide comprehensive information and personalized solutions, ensuring that you’re well-informed and confident throughout the Party Wall journey.

At Get Rapid Plans, our commitment is to provide clarity, transparency, and peace of mind in all Party Wall matters. We believe in effective communication, professionalism, and ensuring that your interests are safeguarded.

Whether you’re an adjoining owner seeking guidance or a building owner navigating the Party Wall process, partner with Get Rapid Plans for a successful journey. Contact us today to get started on your Party Wall matters. Your peace of mind begins with us.

Does the Party Wall Act Allow Access to a Neighbours’ Property?

When it comes to the Party Wall Act, understanding your rights and responsibilities is essential. At Get Rapid Plans, we’re here to empower you with knowledge about access rights, ensuring a smooth and respectful Party Wall process. Here’s what you need to know:

The Party Wall Act acknowledges the need for access to your neighbour’s land to carry out authorized works. However, this access must be deemed reasonably necessary to complete the proposed work. At Get Rapid Plans, we ensure that you’re well-informed about your rights and obligations when seeking access to your neighbour’s property.

Before accessing your neighbour’s land, it’s crucial to provide notice, typically within a 14-day timeframe. This notice serves as a respectful communication informing your neighbour of your intention to access their property. It’s important to note that access may also be required urgently in cases of emergencies, where immediate action is necessary.

At Get Rapid Plans, we emphasize the importance of accessing your neighbour’s land only when necessary. If there’s an alternative method to carry out the work without requiring access, even if it incurs additional costs, it’s recommended to pursue that option. This approach not only respects your neighbour’s property but also contributes to a harmonious relationship throughout the process.

As your trusted partner in Party Wall affairs, Get Rapid Plans is dedicated to ensuring that you’re well-prepared to navigate access rights under the Party Wall Act. Our team of experts is committed to providing you with clear, friendly, and professional guidance, empowering you to make informed decisions that align with legal requirements and respectful practices.

Understanding your rights and responsibilities is a cornerstone of a successful Party Wall process. Get Rapid Plans is here to provide you with the knowledge, insights, and support you need to embark on your Party Wall journey confidently.

Whether you’re seeking access to your neighbour’s land, giving notice, or exploring alternative approaches, partner with Get Rapid Plans for a smooth, informed, and respectful Party Wall experience. Contact us today to get started on your Party Wall matters. Your empowerment begins with us.

Can a Neighbour Refuse a Party Wall Agreement?

Understanding your rights under the Party Wall Act is paramount when undertaking construction works. Get Rapid Plans is your knowledgeable partner in ensuring a smooth process that adheres to legal requirements. 

As long as you follow the correct procedures outlined by the Party Wall Act, your neighbour cannot impede you from carrying out authorized works. At Get Rapid Plans, we guide you through the proper steps, ensuring your right to progress is respected and upheld.

A Party Wall Agreement is formalized through a Party Wall Award – a document that holds the key to a seamless construction experience. This comprehensive document outlines crucial details such as the scope of work, execution methods, noise restrictions, and work hours. Get Rapid Plans ensures that every aspect is clearly defined to avoid misunderstandings.

At Get Rapid Plans, we understand that a smooth Party Wall process hinges on clarity and proper documentation. Our team of experts navigates you through every step, ensuring that you’re well-prepared and informed about your rights, responsibilities, and the procedures to follow.

We’re your advocates in safeguarding your rights. Get Rapid Plans provides you with the knowledge, guidance, and support to confidently navigate Party Wall matters. Rest easy knowing that with us, you’re equipped to tackle construction works while respecting the Party Wall Act.

Get Rapid Plans ensures that your construction progress remains uninterrupted while adhering to the Party Wall Act. Our dedication to thoroughness, professionalism, and understanding ensures that your rights are preserved, and the Party Wall Award stands as a testament to a respectful and well-coordinated process.

When it comes to Party Wall matters, Get Rapid Plans is your reliable partner. Contact us today to embark on your construction journey with confidence, knowing that your rights are upheld, and your project’s success is our priority. Your empowerment starts with Get Rapid Plans.

What Is a Party Wall?

 A party wall, as defined by the Party Wall Act, is a wall that stands on the boundary between two properties or is shared by two buildings. This wall serves a crucial purpose in construction and property management, and at Get Rapid Plans, we’re here to provide you with the technical understanding you need.

A party wall acts as a clear demarcation between two properties, ensuring that the construction or alteration activities on one side do not compromise the structural integrity or rights of the other.

From a technical perspective, a party wall seamlessly integrates two structures while adhering to legal boundaries. It’s a structural element that holds architectural and legal significance.

Navigating party wall matters can be intricate. Our expert team at Get Rapid Plans offers comprehensive guidance to ensure that your construction project aligns with party wall regulations.

Through our expertise, we demystify the complexity surrounding party walls. We provide clear explanations of regulations and procedures, allowing you to approach your project with confidence.

Get Rapid Plans is your partner in unravelling the technicalities of party walls. Contact us to gain in-depth insights into the regulations and technical aspects of party walls for your construction venture. Trust in Get Rapid Plans for precise technical guidance.

When Does Excavation Fall Under Party Wall?

When it comes to construction, excavation plays a vital role in shaping the foundation of any project. At Get Rapid Plans, we delve into the intricacies of excavation within the context of the Party Wall Act, providing you with valuable insights.

Excavation activities that take place within three meters of your neighbour’s foundations and extend below their level fall under the Party Wall Act. This regulatory framework ensures that excavation doesn’t compromise the structural stability of neighbouring properties.

For deeper excavation, typically within six meters of a neighbour’s foundations, the Party Wall Act may also apply. This recognizes the potential impact of significant excavations on adjoining structures.

Understanding the implications of excavation under the Party Wall Act requires expert guidance. At Get Rapid Plans, we specialize in deciphering the intricacies of regulations, enabling you to proceed with your excavation project confidently.

Get Rapid Plans is your partner in comprehensive solutions. Whether you’re planning a minor excavation or a deep one, we offer guidance tailored to your project’s requirements.

Connect with Get Rapid Plans to elevate your understanding of excavation within the scope of the Party Wall Act. Our experts are here to assist you in navigating the technical and regulatory aspects, ensuring your project’s success while maintaining neighbourly relations. Trust in Get Rapid Plans for insightful excavation guidance.

What Is a Party Fence Wall?

In the realm of the Party Wall Act, a party fence wall holds a distinct significance. It refers to a wall erected astride a property boundary, independent of any building’s structural components. This type of wall acts as a boundary marker while contributing to the overall demarcation of property lines.

Navigating the complexities of party fence walls requires specialized knowledge. At Get Rapid Plans, we excel in offering comprehensive explanations of the Party Wall Act, ensuring your projects align with regulatory standards and foster positive relationships with your neighbours.

Whether you’re contemplating the construction of a party fence wall or seeking insights into existing structures, Get Rapid Plans is your trusted partner. Our experts offer tailored solutions that empower you to navigate the complexities of party fence walls confidently.

Connect with Get Rapid Plans to elevate your understanding of party fence walls. Our experts are ready to assist you in achieving successful construction outcomes while fostering positive relations with your neighbours. Count on Get Rapid Plans for insightful guidance on party fence walls and beyond.

What Is a Party Wall Agreement?

Understanding the intricacies of party wall agreements is essential when embarking on construction projects that involve shared boundaries. At Get Rapid Plans, we’re committed to shedding light on the concept of party wall agreements and providing expert guidance to ensure a smooth process.

A party wall agreement serves as a legally binding contract between property owners who share a wall or boundary. Often referred to as a Party Wall Award, this agreement establishes clear guidelines and obligations for property owners when one of them intends to undertake construction or renovation work that could impact a shared structure.

The Party Wall Award encapsulates vital aspects of the construction process, ensuring both parties are well-informed and protected. It outlines essential details such as the nature of the proposed work, permissible working hours, and precautionary measures to safeguard the neighbouring property. Moreover, the agreement addresses critical points including cost-sharing, ongoing wall maintenance, and the allocation of liability for potential damages.

A Party Wall Award plays a pivotal role in promoting fairness and conflict resolution in construction-related matters. By formalizing the rights and responsibilities of the Building Owner, the agreement minimizes the likelihood of disputes and ensures that any disagreements are addressed in a legally binding manner.

Navigating the complexities of party wall agreements demands expertise and a keen understanding of legal nuances. Our team specializes in providing comprehensive guidance to property owners. We ensure that your construction aspirations align with the Party Wall Act’s stipulations and that the agreement serves the best interests of all parties involved.

Secure the success of your construction project by partnering with us for expert advice on party wall agreements. Our knowledgeable professionals are dedicated to facilitating a transparent, cooperative process that adheres to legal requirements while fostering positive relationships between property owners.

Elevate your property development journey with Get Rapid Plans as your trusted partner. Contact us today to gain a deeper understanding of party wall agreements and to embark on a construction process that’s legally sound and harmonious.

Can I Build Against a Party Wall?

Embarking on construction near a party wall demands a clear understanding of legal considerations and regulations. At Get Rapid Plans, we’re here to provide insights into building against party walls while adhering to the stipulations of the Party Wall Act.

Building against a party wall is a common scenario in property development. However, it’s crucial to note that such work might fall under the Party Wall Act if it involves specific actions like cutting into or away from the party wall, or excavating below its foundations. This legislation is designed to safeguard the rights of both property owners and ensure harmonious construction practices.

Navigating the intricacies of the Party Wall Act requires expertise and a thorough understanding of its provisions. At Get Rapid Plans, we specialize in providing detailed explanations and guidance on how the Act impacts your construction plans. Our aim is to empower you to make informed decisions while complying with legal obligations.

Building against a party wall requires collaboration and adherence to legal protocols. Our team emphasizes open communication between property owners and offers expert advice on how to proceed. We prioritize constructive solutions that ensure smooth construction processes and maintain positive relationships between neighbours.

When considering building against a party wall, count on us for expert assistance. Our knowledgeable professionals are ready to guide you through the nuances of the Party Wall Act, ensuring your construction plans align with legal requirements and industry best practices.

Connect with Get Rapid Plans to unlock success in your construction endeavours near party walls. Our experts are dedicated to providing tailored guidance, ensuring your project not only meets legal standards but also contributes to the seamless development of your property. Reach out to us today to elevate your construction journey.

What Is a Party Wall Agreement?

Understanding the intricacies of party wall agreements is essential when embarking on construction projects that involve shared boundaries. At Get Rapid Plans, we’re committed to shedding light on the concept of party wall agreements and providing expert guidance to ensure a smooth process.

A party wall agreement serves as a legally binding contract between property owners who share a wall or boundary. Often referred to as a Party Wall Award, this agreement establishes clear guidelines and obligations for property owners when one of them intends to undertake construction or renovation work that could impact a shared structure.

The Party Wall Award encapsulates vital aspects of the construction process, ensuring both parties are well-informed and protected. It outlines essential details such as the nature of the proposed work, permissible working hours, and precautionary measures to safeguard the neighbouring property. Moreover, the agreement addresses critical points including cost-sharing, ongoing wall maintenance, and the allocation of liability for potential damages.

A Party Wall Award plays a pivotal role in promoting fairness and conflict resolution in construction-related matters. By formalizing the rights and responsibilities of the Building Owner, the agreement minimizes the likelihood of disputes and ensures that any disagreements are addressed in a legally binding manner.

Navigating the complexities of party wall agreements demands expertise and a keen understanding of legal nuances. Our team specializes in providing comprehensive guidance to property owners. We ensure that your construction aspirations align with the Party Wall Act’s stipulations and that the agreement serves the best interests of all parties involved.

Secure the success of your construction project by partnering with us for expert advice on party wall agreements. Our knowledgeable professionals are dedicated to facilitating a transparent, cooperative process that adheres to legal requirements while fostering positive relationships between property owners.

Elevate your property development journey with Get Rapid Plans as your trusted partner. Contact us today to gain a deeper understanding of party wall agreements and to embark on a construction process that’s legally sound and harmonious.

Can I Build an Extension on a Party Wall?

Expanding your living space through an extension is an exciting venture, but what if your property shares a boundary with your neighbour? Get Rapid Plans is here to provide insights on building extensions on party walls, ensuring a smooth process that aligns with legal requirements.

The Party Wall Act allows for extensions to be built on party walls, subject to specific conditions. Party walls may indeed be raised to create extensions, offering a practical way to maximize your property’s potential. However, it’s crucial to note that the Act does not permit the lengthening of party walls without the explicit consent of your neighbouring property owner.

The concept of building extensions isn’t limited to party walls alone. Party fence walls, situated astride boundaries and distinct from building structures, also hold potential for raising or serving as foundations for extensions. Just as party walls can be utilized for extensions, party fence walls can play a role in expanding your living space, adding versatility to your property development plans.

When considering building an extension on a party wall or utilizing a party fence wall for extensions, cooperation with your neighbour is paramount. Open communication and consent are essential for a smooth construction process that respects the rights of both parties involved. Engaging your neighbour in a collaborative manner not only ensures compliance with regulations but also nurtures a positive relationship throughout the project.

At Get Rapid Plans, we specialize in guiding property owners through the intricacies of party wall extensions. Our experienced team is committed to ensuring your extension project is well informed, legally compliant, and marked by harmonious collaboration with neighbours. By collaborating with us, you can confidently embark on your extension journey, knowing you’re making the most of your property’s potential.

Elevate your property development endeavours with Get Rapid Plans as your trusted partner. Contact us today to gain expert insights on building extensions on party walls, and set out on a construction journey that’s aligned with regulations, respectful of neighbours’ rights, and tailored to enhance your property’s value and appeal.

How Close to a Party Wall Can I Build?

When embarking on construction projects near boundaries, it’s crucial to be well-versed in the Party Wall Act to ensure compliance. At Get Rapid Plans, we’re here to shed light on excavation near party walls and provide guidance to make your construction journey a seamless one.

Excavation work that takes place within three meters of your neighbour’s foundations and extends below their foundation level is considered work that falls under the purview of the Party Wall Act. Additionally, if your excavation project involves deep digging within six meters of your neighbour’s foundations, it may also trigger the provisions of the Act.

If your construction project doesn’t involve excavating below the level of a party wall, there are specific considerations to keep in mind. While the Party Wall Act doesn’t define a minimum distance for building in proximity to party walls, if your construction work includes cutting into or away from a party wall, it will come under the scope of the Act. In such cases, adhering to the correct procedures outlined by the Party Wall Act is essential to ensure compliance.

Compliance with the Party Wall Act is not just a legal requirement but a cornerstone of respectful neighbourly relations. Navigating excavation and construction near party walls with diligence and consideration helps avoid disputes.

When it comes to excavation, construction, and the Party Wall Act, Get Rapid Plans is your dedicated partner. Our seasoned professionals are well-versed in the intricacies of party wall regulations and are committed to providing you with the guidance you need. With our expertise, you can confidently embark on your construction project, knowing that you’re adhering to the right procedures.

Elevate your construction journey by partnering with Get Rapid Plans. Contact us today to gain expert insights into excavation near party walls and ensure your project proceeds smoothly while upholding legal requirements and respectful collaboration with your neighbours.

What Is the Party Wall Act?

In the UK, the Party Wall Act, officially termed the Party Wall etc. Act 1996, stands as a pivotal legal framework dictating the rights and responsibilities of property owners when embarking on construction or alterations that directly impact shared walls or boundaries between neighbouring properties. With a core mission of preventing and resolving disputes between owners, this Act ensures that all works are conducted in a manner that safeguards both parties’ interests.

This legislation encompasses three critical domains: Party Wall, Party Structure, and Line of Junction. A Party Wall symbolizes a wall shared between two adjoining properties. In contrast, a Party Structure encompasses walls, floors, or partitions segregating sections of a building owned by distinct individuals. Lastly, the Line of Junction defines the point where two properties intersect, regardless of the presence of a physical wall.

Party Wall Notice

A property owner intending to enact works must furnish an official Party Wall Notice to the adjoining owner(s). This document elucidates the proposed work’s nature and offers comprehensive information. The notice must be delivered one or two months ahead of the envisaged commencement date, contingent on the project’s scope.

Adjoining Owner’s Response

Upon receiving the notice, the adjoining owner(s) possess the option to either consent or dissent from the proposed works.

Dissenting Owners and Party Wall Surveyors

Should the adjoining owner dissent or not respond within 14 days, both parties must appoint a Party Wall Surveyor or surveyors. Their task is to draft a binding Party Wall Award—a legal document that outlines work conditions and necessitated safeguards for the adjoining property.

Compliance with the Party Wall Act is crucial. Neglecting this can pave the way for legal confrontations, delays, and unforeseen expenditures. By embracing the Act’s provisions and nurturing transparent communication with neighbours, property owners ensure that their construction or alteration undertakings progress seamlessly, respecting the serenity of all parties involved.

At Get Rapid Plans, we specialize in have a wide range of experience with Party Wall matters, allowing your journey through construction or alterations to remain harmonious and legally sound.

What Is a Schedule of Condition?

If you’re embarking on any work related to a party wall, it’s essential to understand what a schedule of condition entails and why it holds paramount significance in the construction process.

Importance of a Schedule of Condition for Party Wall Work

Legal precedents underscore the responsibility of the Building Owner to prove that any damage inflicted on a neighbouring property did not result from their work. A schedule of condition becomes paramount in precisely assessing and fairly addressing any damage that occurs during the construction process. This holds true even if your neighbors have granted consent for the work. A well-prepared schedule of condition mitigates the likelihood of disagreements regarding the extent and cause of post-work damage.

Conducting a Schedule of Condition

The process involves a thorough inspection conducted by a qualified surveyor. They’ll meticulously record notes and capture photographs of the property’s existing condition, encompassing walls, ceilings, floors, and relevant areas. Existing defects or damage are diligently identified. It’s essential to note that the Schedule of Condition serves as an unbiased record and refrains from offering opinions on defect nature or cause. This non-intrusive inspection only registers immediately apparent defects.

Upon completion, the Schedule is presented to relevant parties, including the Building Owner overseeing the party wall work. This report establishes the baseline for evaluating any subsequent damage arising from the work.

Responsibility: The Building Owner is accountable for preparing the schedule of condition.

Duration: The document remains valid throughout the party wall work and ensuing disputes.

Property Damage : If damage occurs, the schedule serves as the reference for assessing necessary repairs or compensation.

Cost: The expense varies based on property size and complexity.

In conclusion, a schedule of condition is an indispensable asset, accurately encapsulating a property’s condition before construction work. If you’re embarking on party wall-related projects, securing a professionally-prepared schedule of condition is highly recommended. It bolsters your position, mitigates potential disputes, and upholds the integrity of your project.

Ready to secure your project’s success with an accurate and comprehensive schedule of condition? Connect with us today for expert guidance and a seamless experience. Obtain an online quote swiftly by sharing your project details with us. Your peace of mind is our priority.


What Is a Party Wall Notice?

An important step in the process of construction or alterations impacting shared walls or boundaries in the UK, the Party Wall Notice is essential in adhering to the Party Wall etc. Act 1996. This legislation mandates that property owners embarking on such works must serve this notice on their neighbouring property owners, providing them with details of the intended works and pertinent details.

Party Structure Notice

When the scope encompasses shared wall or structure adjustments—be it demolition, reconstruction, or modifications in thickness or height—this notice comes into play. Its delivery must occur at least two months ahead of the planned works’ initiation.

Line of Junction Notice

For those intending to erect a new wall either up to or straddling the boundary line connecting properties, this notice is vital. Serving it is essential a minimum of one month before work commencement.

Adjacent Excavation Notice

If excavations within 3 or 6 meters of the adjoining property are planned (dependent on excavation depth and proximity), this notice is indispensable. Its service also necessitates a one-month lead time before works begin.

Detailed specifics about the proposed works, encompassing plans, drawings, and a comprehensive work description, are crucial inclusions in the Party Wall Notice. It should reference the applicable section of the Party Wall Act and specify the deadline for adjoining owner(s) responses.

Upon receiving the notice, adjoining owner(s) have a 14-day window to respond. Their choices include consent or dissent to the proposed works. Should dissent or non-response occur, both parties must enlist a Party Wall Surveyor or surveyors to craft a binding Party Wall Award. This document describes the works and offers guidelines about how the works should proceed.

At Get Rapid Plans, we specialize in simplifying the Party Wall Notice journey. Our adept team comprehends the nuances, ensuring you embark on this path with ease. Work with us to navigate this process, ensuring compliance, clarity, and amicable coexistence. Your satisfaction and legal compliance are our unwavering commitments.

Pricing Breakdown

Party Wall Costs

Party Wall Agreement Costs

The expense of a Party Wall Agreement is not set in stone, as it hinges on the project’s intricacy and scope. Additionally, ventures with complexities like multiple adjoining owners or extensive construction endeavours can escalate expenses.

Included within the agreement cost are vital components such as the creation of a Party Wall Notice, a Schedule of Condition detailing the neighbouring property’s state, and the final Party Wall Award. It’s important to recognize that surveyor fees typically rest upon each property owner, unless an alternative arrangement is reached.

In certain scenarios, the party conducting the works might opt to cover their neighbour’s surveyor costs. This gesture not only cultivates goodwill but also expedites proceedings by encouraging swift neighbour consent.



Mitigating Costs with an Agreed Surveyor

Opting for an Agreed Surveyor to represent both parties can be cost-effective. However, this route should only be pursued if both parties possess confidence in the surveyor’s impartiality and professionalism.



Diving into Party Wall Agreements warrants a clear understanding of the associated costs. Depending on your project’s intricacy and variables, expenses can vary substantially. We advocate transparency, empowering homeowners to make informed decisions.

 At Get Rapid Plans, we’re dedicated to guiding you through the complexities while minimizing uncertainties. Contact us now for personalized insights that illuminate your path to a successful Party Wall Agreement.

What Costs are Involved?

If you’re embarking on changes or enhancements involving a party wall or property boundary, familiarity with the Party Wall Act 1996 is paramount. This legislation mandates actions when altering these areas and may require serving notice to neighbouring properties (Adjoining Owners). Depending on the nature of the proposed work, notice periods range from one to two months minimum. Upon receiving this notice, neighbouring property owners have three choices:

Upon receiving this notice, neighbouring property owners have three choices: 

1. Consent

Should the proposed works garner consent, no further steps are needed. However, we recommend conducting a schedule of condition to record the neighbouring property’s condition before work commencement.

2. Agreed Surveyor

If dissenting but open to collaboration, the same surveyor can be agreed upon for both the building owner and the adjoining owner.

3. Adjoining Owner’s Surveyor

In this case, the adjoining owner appoints their own surveyor. As per the Act, the party carrying out the works (Building Owner) is typically responsible for their neighbour’s surveyor fees.


With options 2 and 3, a schedule of condition is crafted for the neighbouring property’s vicinity to the works. This schedule acts as a record of the property’s condition before work initiation. If any damage arises from the notifiable works, the Building Owner is obligated to address it. Simultaneously, a Party Wall Award is established, outlining parties’ rights and responsibilities concerning the party wall.

While the primary aim is a smooth process, conflicts between surveyors (option 3) can arise. Thus, a third impartial surveyor is designated before commencement. If initial surveyors cannot reconcile, the third holds the final decision. 


Navigating party wall processes entails understanding the intricacies of fees. Our dedication to transparency remains unwavering, and we’re here to guide you through the journey while minimizing uncertainties in cost assessments.