Get Rapid Plans Ltd

Architectural Services

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Get Rapid Plans Ltd

Architectural Services

Phone: 07507 665812 or 07538 938251


Single Storey Extensions

A single-storey extension is a ground-level addition to your existing home, typically expanding the footprint of your property in one direction.

It can be an excellent solution for creating new living spaces, such as a larger kitchen, dining area, home office, or family room, without the need to sacrifice outdoor space.

At Get Rapid Plans, we’re here to guide you through the planning permission process with expertise and ease. Our team of skilled architectural designers understands the intricate details of obtaining approval, and we’re dedicated to making your vision a reality while complying with all necessary requirements.

Planning Permission for Single Storey Extensions

Planning permission is a critical aspect of building single-storey extensions. It is a formal consent granted by the local planning authority, ensuring that the proposed development aligns with local planning policies and regulations.

Understanding whether your project requires planning permission is crucial to avoid potential legal issues and costly delays.

Permitted development rights are specific allowances that allow certain types of extensions without the need for planning permission. These rights have limitations on size, height, and location, and they may vary depending on the property’s location and existing planning constraints. Leveraging permitted development rights can expedite your extension project while staying within the legal framework.

planning and permission

Why People Use

Get Rapid Plans

1500+ Successful Projects

With our team of single storey extension specialists, rest assured that we have the comprehensive knowledge and understanding of building regulations to ensure a smooth planning and design process for your home improvement project. 

15+ Years Experience

With over 15 years of hands-on experience in designing and delivering outstanding single storey extensions, our team is well-equipped to transform your vision into a reality, creating functional and aesthetically pleasing spaces that enhance your home and lifestyle.

Client Satisfaction

Our rapid and precise plan drafting ensures you won’t be disappointed, just like our numerous 5-star Google reviews attest to. Get started with confidence, knowing your project is in capable hands.

How Long Does It Take To Build?

The duration required to complete your home extension project depends on several factors, including the scope of development and whether you intend to reside in the house during construction.

For a single-storey extension, the typical completion timeframe is approximately 2-3 months.

The initial phase involves preparing the construction site, a process that generally takes about 2 weeks. This includes excavating the footings and establishing the foundations. Subsequently, an additional 2 weeks are usually allocated for installing the damp course and necessary drainage around the extension.

Around week 5 of the project, the construction team will begin working on the exterior walls, erecting blockwork to facilitate cavity wall insulation. This involves integrating the new brickwork with the existing walls with ties.

The following fortnight is often dedicated to installing the roof structure and internal walls.

At this juncture, it becomes imperative to make the structure weatherproof, which is when the installation of your new uPVC windows and doors is recommended.

Subsequent steps necessitate the presence of electricians or gas fitters on-site to establish power connections for the extension. This stage will be followed by the plastering of internal walls and creating openings into your existing house.

Upon the completion of plastering and decoration, as well as the fitting of any units or furniture, your extension will be ready for use.

How Long Does It Take To Get Planning Permission?

Wondering about how long it it takes to secure planning permission? In the majority of cases, your planning permission application will take approximately eight weeks. That’s the general timeline you can expect.


Of course, there are exceptions to this rule. If your proposed project happens to be a bit more intricate or on the larger side, then the decision-making process might stretch to around 13 weeks. This is particularly true when we’re dealing with projects that have a bit more complexity or scope.


Curious about the nitty-gritty details of submitting an application and navigating the planning permission terrain? Feel free to delve into more information about this process. Here at Get Rapid Plans, we’re all about making this journey as straightforward as possible for you. Whether it’s about single-storey extensions or any other architectural endeavors, we’re here to help you understand and streamline the procedures, ensuring that you’re well-prepared to embark on your extension project.

Do I Need Building Regulations for a Single Storey Extension?

Considering an extension for your home? It’s a decision that holds significant impact for your residence, outdoor space, and even your neighbors. In many cases, obtaining building regulations approval might be necessary, even if Planning Permission isn’t required.

When you’re in the process of sketching out your extension plans, it’s crucial to assess various aspects. These include how the extension would influence the accessibility to your home and garden, the flow of movement in and around your living space, and the natural illumination in your existing rooms. Another essential factor is the choice of building materials, particularly if your home was originally constructed using unconventional techniques or materials.

Once you’ve determined that your home is a suitable candidate for an extension, it’s time to engage an architect. We’ll help you draft comprehensive plans that need to receive approval from your local council’s building control team before you can commence work.

The following factors are key to building regulations:

  1. Foundations: This involves factors like ground conditions, depth of the foundations, damp proofing measures, and radon protection strategies.
  2. Floors and Walls: Addressing the structural aspects, reinforcing components, insulation measures, and soundproofing considerations.
  3. Roofs: Whether you’re envisioning a flat or pitched roof, this section will detail insulation arrangements, support mechanisms, beams, and the all-important headroom.
  4. Drainage: Covering connections to existing drainage systems, integration with manholes, and water supply.
  5. Electrics: Outlining the provisions for power and heating within the extension.
  6. Windows and Doors: Focusing on ventilation aspects and ensuring accessibility for individuals with disabilities.
  7. Fire Safety: Highlighting escape routes and the strategic placement of smoke detectors.

At Get Rapid Plans, we’re dedicated to steering you through the technical intricacies of single-storey extensions and beyond. Our goal is to ensure that the practical aspects of your extension plans align seamlessly with your architectural vision. From foundations to fire safety, trust us to provide you with the expertise and guidance needed to navigate this journey with confidence.

What Layout Should I Have In My Single Storey Extension?

Emphasizing effective circulation design holds a ripple effect on room arrangements and the overall functionality of your home. Often, the most seemingly straightforward and uncomplicated house layout proves to be the most effective. However, it takes years of architectural training and experience for an architect to master the art of creating this seemingly “obvious” layout.

Architects typically aim to minimize circulation floor space, allowing for the maximization of usable areas.

Circulation isn’t confined to just corridors or hallways. The concept of open plan living introduces more fluid movement through spaces. Nevertheless, your architect takes into account the flow of movement from A to B to C, while also considering furniture layouts and functional linkages between specific areas, such as:

– Kitchen to dining space

– Bathroom to bedrooms

– Playroom to living space

– Living space to the garden

Making early decisions regarding which furniture to retain or replace is invaluable. Identifying which items you’ll keep and which ones you’ll replace during the initial stages of design development allows for accurate measurements and placements to be incorporated into the layouts.

Ensuring strong sight-lines throughout the house fosters a sense of connection among family members during their activities, promoting effective communication and unity.

Consider the various domestic processes and activities specific to your household:

– Simplifying the process of washing and drying clothes

– Organizing coats and shoes for easy accessibility and tidiness

– Allocating spaces for pets to eat, sleep, and be bathed

– Determining optimal and accessible storage for bikes and recreational gear

While having natural light in every room is ideal, certain homes, particularly terraced houses, face constraints. The addition of an extension also introduces greater depth to the floor plan, potentially leading to dimmer central areas.

A fundamental principle of effective layout design is prioritizing light and views:

– Spaces not requiring ample light serve as storage areas

– Spaces needing less light include utility rooms and secondary bathrooms/ensuites/WCs

– Areas benefiting from natural light encompass the main bathroom

– Spaces where natural light is essential encompass the kitchen/dining (essential), living space (essential), and bedrooms (essential)

At Get Rapid Plans, we know the significance of a well-thought-out layout for single-storey extensions and beyond. Our expertise lies in merging the technical aspects with your vision, resulting in a harmonious and functional extension that seamlessly blends with your home’s architecture.

How Deep Do the Foundations Need to Be?

Getting your foundations right is of paramount importance, as they play a critical role in distributing the weight of your new extension and safeguarding against uneven settlement and structural harm to your home.

Consider the following factors that your designer or builder will account for when determining the depth and type of foundations:

  1. Soil Type:

Different soil types react diversely to water presence, depending on their characteristics and water retention capacity. Soil must also possess the capacity to bear the load of your extension, which varies across soil types.

  1. Trees:

Trees in close proximity to your intended structure can pose potential issues if foundations aren’t sufficiently deep. Factors such as tree species, projected height, and distance from the structure come into play.

  1. Filled Ground:

When building on previously excavated and filled ground, you’ll likely need to dig below that level into undisturbed soil. This also holds true for former landfill sites, where the non-disturbed ground might lie considerably deeper. Addressing potential contaminants or gases requires mitigation measures. For filled ground scenarios, seeking the expertise of a structural engineer is advisable, as engineered solutions are generally required.

  1. Adjacent Buildings:

In the presence of nearby structures, digging down to at least the level of those buildings is often necessary. This ensures proper support for neighbouring buildings during foundation excavation.

  1. Drains and Sewers:

To prevent the strain of your new structure from compromising existing drains and sewers, digging to the depth of the bottom of the drain or sewer is imperative. If a drain passes through a foundation, incorporating lintels becomes essential. These lintels support the load from the foundation and walls above, safeguarding the drain from fracturing.

At Get Rapid Plans, we understand the role that foundations play in your single-storey extension project. Our approach is rooted in understanding the technical intricacies, ensuring that the foundations are well-suited to your specific needs. We’ll navigate these details expertly, laying the groundwork for a sturdy and dependable extension that seamlessly integrates into your existing home.

What Roof Design Should I Use?

The roof isn’t just a functional necessity. It can transform from a mere protector against the elements to a jaw-dropping architectural feature. Here are essential pointers to guide your roofing decisions for your project.

Pitched or Flat?

The initial choice you face is between a pitched or flat roof. A flat roof can evoke a dated 1970s vibe or exude contemporary coolness, contingent upon your extension’s overall design. A flat roof juxtaposed onto a traditional brick structure might appear unattractive and incomplete. However, for an ultra-modern structure, a flat roof can harmonize seamlessly.

Decoding Flat Roofs

Historically, flat roofs suffered a leaky reputation, often attributed to traditional roofing felt that cracked and shifted with temperature fluctuations. Modern flat roofs, however, leverage advanced materials like flexible, reinforced plastic membranes that accommodate movement without compromising waterproofing. This has revolutionized the flat roofing landscape.

Today, flat roofs boast an anticipated lifespan of 20 to 30 years. A flat roof encompasses any roof with a pitch angle below 10 degrees, for rainwater drainage.

Getting the Roof Pitch Right

Pitched roofs retain their timeless appeal, adding an elegant touch to structures. The suitable roof pitch hinges on your overall design, and your architect can offer guidance.

Clay tiles typically necessitate a minimum 40-degree slope, while slate tiles suit shallower pitches. “Clay tiles require a steeper angle for rainwater runoff and frost protection. Some clay plain tiles have specialized grooves allowing installation on pitches as low as 35 degrees.

At Get Rapid Plans, we understand that the roof is not only a protective cover but also a vital design element. Whether you opt for pitched or flat, we’re here to guide you through the intricacies of roofing design, ensuring that your single-storey extension project culminates in a stunning, cohesive, and functional architectural masterpiece. Contact us today to embark on your roofing journey with confidence.

Should I Use Roof Lights?

Beyond enhancing natural light, skylights offer improved ventilation and an elevated aesthetic appeal for your kitchen environment.

Advantages of Using Rooflights In Your Extension:

  1. Enhanced Energy Efficiency: Reducing dependence on artificial lighting, skylights and roof lanterns bolster energy efficiency, translating into significant utility bill savings.
  1. Simplified Planning: Bypass complex planning procedures by adhering to permitted development rights regulations, which often cover the installation of rooflights, eliminating the need for full planning permission.
  1. Illusion of Spaciousness: Craft an illusion of expansiveness without exceeding your budget. Skylights provide a cost-effective method to visually enlarge your kitchen.


Strategizing Skylight Placement:

Determining the optimal location for your skylight involves a delicate balance between your design aspirations and practical considerations. Imagine your kitchen bathed in morning sunlight during breakfast or visualize strategically positioned skylights illuminating your workspace, curbing the need for artificial lighting.


Key Considerations for Placement:

– Ambient Light Play: Observe how the extension’s brightness changes throughout the day. To achieve sun-soaked breakfasts, position the skylight to bring this vision to life.

– Functional Radiance: Skillfully placing skylights over kitchen workspaces ensures ample illumination and diminishes reliance on artificial lighting, thus promoting energy efficiency.


Navigating Skylight Selection:

Functionality reigns supreme when selecting skylights. Particularly in kitchens, which are prone to steam, ventilating skylights stand out as an excellent choice, particularly above cooking areas. Opt for electrically hinged roof lights for easy operation and hassle-free ventilation.

Yearning for a more expansive skylight? Consider pyramid or roof lantern styles. These bring in enhanced light and offer captivating views of the sky. In cases of space constraints, explore sun tube options that channel light to areas where conventional skylights might not fit.


Additional Aspects:

– Budget: Match your choice to your budget.

– Operational Preferences: Decide on operability preferences and mechanisms.

– Glazing Options: Assess glazing choices for both energy efficiency and visual appeal.

– Room Configuration: Account for room size, shape, and layout.


At Get Rapid Plans, we specialize in guiding you through the nuances of skylight kitchen extensions. Our expertise transforms your vision into a reality that radiates both functionality and aesthetics. Connect with us to embark on your journey of infusing your kitchen with the magic of natural light. Call us to take the first step now!

Bifolds or Sliding Doors?

Selecting the finer details for your home or kitchen extension can pose challenges, with an array of options and limited guidance. Among the pivotal decisions you’ll face is the choice of doors for the rear of your property. While bifold and sliding doors take the lead, patio doors also enter the equation.

When it comes to the bifold vs. sliding doors dilemma, numerous factors come into play. Bifold doors are external doors that elegantly fold in on themselves, arranging panels to one side. Their unique design can open up your exterior wall by up to 90%, seamlessly extending your garden space from your extension. If an abundance of natural light is a priority, bifold doors excel – even when closed, they allow generous light penetration.

Diverse options in bifold doors include variations in frame color and material. Choose between aluminium and timber frames, each contributing to a distinct ambiance. Aluminium frames exude modern sophistication, while timber frames embrace a more traditional aesthetic. Color customization is available for aluminium bifolds, featuring shades such as gray, black, white, or any RAL hue. Timber bifolds offer stain options, letting you tailor their appearance to harmonize with your space.

Sliding doors, on the other hand, consist of a fixed glass panel partnered with a movable glass panel that slides over it to unveil your rear wall. Opening up to 75%, sliding doors grant a less obstructed outdoor view compared to bifold doors due to fewer individual panels and frames interrupting the panorama. Identifying whether a sliding door is open or closed can be challenging, especially if you have active children.

In the realm of sliding doors, you can opt for aluminium, PVC, or timber frames – each boasting distinctive appearances and benefits. Aluminium frames combine cost-effectiveness with low maintenance and a slim profile. Just like bifold doors, a diverse palette of colors is available for aluminium frames, allowing you to tailor the look from both the interior and exterior perspectives. Timber frames offer the flexibility to be stained to match other wooden elements within your extension, such as countertops or cupboards.

In a nutshell, if an unobstructed outdoor vista is your goal, sliding doors are the choice to amplify your view. However, if seamlessly merging your home with the garden is paramount, bifold doors prove to be the optimal solution. Your surveyor will provide personalized advice during the site survey, guiding you toward the most fitting option for your home.

At Get Rapid Plans, we specialize in assisting you through these decisive choices. Our experts are poised to transform your vision into a reality, ensuring your extension’s doors are a harmonious blend of functionality and style. Ready to embark on this journey? Call us to embark on the process of bringing your dream extension to life.

How Big Can My Extension Be?

Embarking on a single-storey extension journey is an exciting endeavour that transforms your living space. However, understanding the regulations that guide these extensions is essential to ensure a smooth and compliant process. At Get Rapid Plans, we’re here to simplify these technicalities for you, providing guidance every step of the way.


Here’s a breakdown of the regulations you need to know:

  1. Area Coverage: A vital aspect to consider is that your extension or any new structure cannot cover more than half of the land surrounding the original house. This also encompasses sheds or outbuildings, ensuring a harmonious balance with your property’s surroundings.
  2. Elevation and Location: The extension’s placement plays a crucial role. It must not extend forward from the side elevation or a side elevation facing a highway. If your vision involves an extension toward a main road, this calls for planning permission to move forward.
  3. Material Consistency: The materials chosen for your extension should harmonize with your property’s existing aesthetics. However, conservatories offer an exception to this rule, allowing a touch of uniqueness while blending seamlessly.
  4. Exterior Cladding: On designated land, exterior cladding isn’t permitted. This ensures the preservation of the area’s architectural integrity while promoting a cohesive look.
  5. Depth Limit: For single-storey rear extensions, the extension’s depth shouldn’t surpass the back wall of the original property by more than four metres. This maintains a proportional extension while enhancing your living space.
  6. Height Restriction: Extensions should not exceed a height of four metres. This guideline ensures that the extension integrates harmoniously with your property’s overall structure, enhancing both form and function.

At Get Rapid Plans, we’re your partners in navigating these regulations. Our expert team understands the intricacies of single-storey extensions and is well-versed in streamlining the planning process. We ensure your vision aligns seamlessly with the regulations, bringing your dream extension to life without unnecessary complexities.

Ready to embark on your single-storey extension journey? Let us guide you through these regulations with precision and professionalism. Reach out to us today, and let’s work together to create an extension that perfectly suits your needs. Call us to take the first step toward your ideal living space.

Can I Remove Trees for My Extension?

Understanding the regulations surrounding tree removal is essential. Here’s an overview of the scenarios where permission is required:

  1. Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs): If a tree is covered by a TPO, you’ll need permission from your local authority before felling or pruning it. TPOs safeguard the important trees in our communities, preserving their natural value.
  2. Conservation Areas: Trees within designated conservation areas necessitate permission before being felled or pruned. Notify your local authority to obtain the required permission, ensuring the preservation of these vital areas.
  3. Special Scientific Interest Sites (SSSIs): If a tree is within an SSSI, or its equivalent ASSI in Northern Ireland, permission is necessary. These sites hold unique ecological value, making proper authorization crucial.
  4. Rented Properties: When dealing with a rented property, obtaining permission from the landlord and/or owner is essential before any tree removal or pruning takes place.
  5. Legal Covenants: If a tree is protected by a legal covenant, permission from the beneficiaries of the covenant is mandatory before any removal or pruning occurs.
  6. New Developments: Trees within recently developed properties (up to five years) might be subject to conditions from the original planning permission. Reach out to your local authority’s Tree Officer for clarification on whether these conditions apply.
  7. Specific Criteria: If a tree falls outside your garden, orchard, churchyard, or inner London boroughs, and exceeds 5 m³ per calendar quarter of felling*, you’ll need permission.

At Get Rapid Plans, we understand the importance of compliance with tree removal regulations. Our expert team can guide you through the intricate process, ensuring your actions align with the legal requirements while considering the broader environmental impact.

Do I Need Party Wall?

When planning an extension, it’s crucial to consider not only your own property but also the impact on adjoining properties. The Party Wall etc. Act 1996 outlines regulations to address the potential implications of building near or on boundaries shared with neighboring properties. At Get Rapid Plans, we’re here to help you understand and comply with these regulations, ensuring a smooth extension process that respects the rights and concerns of all parties involved.

According to the Party Wall etc. Act, the foundations and external walls of your intended extension must be within or up to the boundaries of your adjoining neighbor’s property for specific provisions to apply. Here’s a breakdown of key aspects related to the Act:

  1. Excavation and Foundations: If your extension project involves excavating land to lay foundations, certain conditions trigger the need to serve a Party Wall Notice to your adjoining owner. For example, if your proposed building or structure is within 3 horizontal meters of any part of an adjoining owner’s building or structure, you must serve a notice at least one month before excavation begins. This notice should include details about underpinning or strengthening the adjoining owner’s foundations, if necessary.
  2. Glass Conservatories and Shallow Foundations: A glass conservatory with shallow foundations (less than 6 meters) is exempt from requiring a Party Wall Notice or Agreement, provided its external walls are more than 3 horizontal meters from any part of the adjoining owner’s land, buildings, or structures.
  3. 45-Degree Angle Excavation: If your proposed excavation and structure meet a specific angle requirement defined in the Act, you’ll need to serve a Party Wall Notice upon your adjoining owner. This notice should be sent one month prior to starting any excavation works.
  4. Notice Requirements: All Party Wall Notices must include plans and sections indicating the proposed excavation site, its depth, and whether you intend to erect a building or structure on it.


At Get Rapid Plans, we’re well-versed in the intricacies of the Party Wall etc. Act, and we’re here to assist you in ensuring compliance and respectful communication with your adjoining neighbors. Our expert team can guide you through the process of serving notices, preparing necessary documentation, and addressing any concerns that may arise. If you’re planning an extension project and need to navigate the Party Wall etc. Act, give us a call. We’re ready to provide the expertise you need to ensure a successful and compliant extension project.

Call us today for a consultation, and let Get Rapid Plans be your trusted partner in navigating the Party Wall etc. Act for your extension project.

Choosing Between a Rear Extension and a Conservatory

When it comes to expanding your living space, conservatories often catch the eye as a popular type of single-storey rear extension. The attraction is evident: conservatories are budget-friendly compared to full house extensions, and they can be purchased partially or fully pre-made.

The appeal of conservatories is understandable, yet it’s important to consider the drawbacks before making a decision. Many conservatories encounter issues like leaks and insulation problems, which can put a damper on the experience.

One significant challenge with conservatories is temperature control. Unlike proper house extensions, maintaining a comfortable temperature in a conservatory is more challenging, leading to uncomfortably warm summers and chilly winters. This struggle not only affects your comfort but also your energy bills.

Furthermore, opting for a conservatory might not increase your property value as much as a proper extension would. Additionally, conservatories might limit your room’s functionality and compromise privacy, especially concerning nosy neighbors. In contrast, a genuine single-storey rear extension emerges as the more resilient and adaptable choice in this scenario.

When making this architectural decision, it’s clear that a well-executed single-storey rear extension stands as a reliable and versatile solution. At Get Rapid Plans, we specialize in guiding you through this process, ensuring that your chosen expansion aligns with your vision and lifestyle while maintaining a seamless blend with your existing home.

Permitted Development Rights

The concept of permitted development rights can be a time-saver as it might spare you the need for a full planning permission application. This streamlines the process and alleviates the need to make certain changes based on local authorities’ requests. However, the applicability of these rights hinges on several factors. These include the design of your single storey rear extension, whether your dwelling is listed, and whether your location falls within a conservation area.

If your single storey extension adheres to householder permitted development rights, you might not need to seek planning permission. Nevertheless, many councils advise homeowners to consider obtaining a Certificate of Lawfulness (also known as a Lawful Development Certificate). This certificate validates the lawfulness of your proposed extension.

Conversely, opting for a prior approval application under the Neighbour Consultation Scheme enables you to construct a larger single storey rear extension. However, this path involves the council reaching out to your neighbours for their input. These perspectives can influence the council’s decision regarding the viability of your proposed extension.

At Get Rapid Plans, we are adept at navigating these regulations, ensuring a smooth journey for your single storey rear extension project. Our expertise helps you make informed choices, aligning your architectural aspirations with the relevant regulations and procedures.

Planning Regulations

The potential dimensions of your rear extension hinge on various factors, including the proportions of your house and garden, your preferences for size, and the permissions you secure.

For smaller extensions, your householder permitted development rights can be advantageous.

For more sizable single storey rear extensions, you have two options. You can opt to initiate a prior approval application through the neighbour consultation scheme or pursue householder planning permission.

If your dwelling is terraced, your options are:

– Adding a single storey rear extension up to 3m, provided Class A permitted development rights criteria are met.

– Extending up to 6m, contingent on adhering to Class A permitted development rights and pursuing a prior approval application under the neighbour consultation scheme.

If your residence is semi-detached, you have similar options:

– Creating a single storey rear extension up to 3m, with adherence to Class A permitted development rights prerequisites.

– Extending up to 6m, subject to both meeting Class A permitted development rights requisites and initiating a prior approval application through the neighbour consultation scheme.

For detached properties, the options extend further:

– Erecting a single storey rear extension up to 4m, granted that Class A permitted development rights specifications are met.

– Expanding up to 8m, based on meeting Class A permitted development rights stipulations and initiating a prior approval application within the neighbour consultation scheme.

In instances where a larger single storey house extension aligns with your aspirations, or if your residence isn’t entitled to permitted development rights, the path remains open. You can seek householder planning permission to bring your envisioned extension to fruition.

At Get Rapid Plans, we specialize in navigating the intricacies of extension dimensions and permissions. Our expertise empowers you to make informed choices, guiding your architectural aspirations within the realm of pertinent regulations.