Get Rapid Plans Ltd

Architectural Services

Phone: +44 7507 665812 or +44 7538 938251


Get Rapid Plans Ltd

Architectural Services

Phone: 07507 665812 or 07538 938251


Double Storey Extensions

A double storey extension offers significant benefits, enhancing your property in various ways. It provides increased living space, adds value to your home, and allows for modernization and personalization.

With improved functionality, enhanced natural light, and seamless integration with your existing property, a double storey extension can be the perfect solution to meet your family’s evolving needs and avoid the hassle of moving to a new location.

Trust us to deliver a well-designed double storey extension that transforms your home into a dream space, perfectly tailored to your lifestyle and preferences. Contact us today to begin your journey towards a better living environment.

How Long Does It Take To Build?

When working on a double storey extension project, understanding the construction timeline is essential for effective planning and successful results. AIn total, the construction of a double storey extension takes around 14 to 16 weeks. Here’s a breakdown of the construction phases and their approximate durations:

  1. Excavation and Foundations: The initial phase involves excavation and laying the foundation for your double storey extension. This typically takes around 1 to 3 weeks, ensuring a solid base for your project.
  2. Structural Beams and Columns: Installing structural elements like beams and columns follows, providing the framework for the extension. This phase takes approximately 1 week, contributing to the stability of your new space.
  3. External Walls: Building the external walls of your extension takes around 2 weeks, creating the enclosure that will define the shape and structure of your double storey addition.
  4. Ground Floor Slab and 2nd Storey Suspended Timber Floor: These flooring components are crucial for both levels of your extension. Allocating about 1 week ensures proper installation and support for your upper floor.
  5. Roof: Building the roof, a vital component in protecting your extension, takes around 2 weeks. A well-constructed roof enhances the aesthetics and functionality of your new space.
  6. Dry Lining and Plastering: The interior walls and surfaces receive attention in this phase, with dry lining and plastering taking approximately 2 weeks for completion.
  7. Electrics and Plumbing: Ensuring your extension is equipped with necessary electrical and plumbing systems is crucial. This phase takes about 1 week, ensuring proper functionality and safety.
  8. Decoration and Painting: Adding a personal touch to your extension comes through decoration and painting, which takes around 1 week to achieve the desired aesthetic.
  9. Flooring, Skirtings, Windows, Doors, and Other Joinery: The final phase involves adding finishing touches, including flooring, skirtings, windows, doors, and other joinery items. Allowing around 2 weeks ensures a polished and complete result.


By allocating appropriate time to each phase, your double storey extension can be constructed with precision and care. At Get Rapid Plans, we specialize in streamlining the construction process, ensuring efficient progress without compromising quality. If you’re ready to embark on your double storey extension journey, contact us today for expert guidance and support.

Call us now to learn how Get Rapid Plans can assist you in achieving a successful double storey extension within a well-planned construction timeline.

How Long Does Planning Permission Take?

Planning permission is a key step in the process, and we’re here to provide you with valuable insights into the timelines you can expect. Whether you’re in London or beyond, our team is dedicated to ensuring a smooth and efficient journey for your extension project. Here’s what you need to know about planning permission timelines for your local authority:

House Extensions and Minor Planning Applications: For most house extensions and minor planning applications, the average timeline to receive planning permission is around 8 weeks. This period allows local authorities to review your proposal thoroughly and make informed decisions.

Large or Complex Developments: If your double storey extension falls into the category of unusually large or complex developments, you can anticipate a slightly longer planning permission timeline. In such cases, the review period extends to 13 weeks. This ensures that all aspects of your project are carefully evaluated to meet regulatory standards.

Applications Subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): If your extension project is subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment, the planning permission timeline is extended to approximately 16 weeks. This ensures that the potential environmental effects of your project are thoroughly assessed and considered before a decision is made.

At Get Rapid Plans, we specialize in simplifying the planning permission process while maintaining a high level of attention to detail. Our experienced team is well-versed in the intricacies of planning regulations and local requirements. We are committed to guiding you through the process, from concept to approval, with efficiency and professionalism.

When you partner with Get Rapid Plans, you can trust that we will work diligently to ensure your double storey extension project progresses smoothly through the planning permission phase. Our goal is to minimize delays and provide you with a clear understanding of the process, enabling you to move forward confidently with your project.

Call us now to discuss your double storey extension project and discover how Get Rapid Plans can help you secure planning permission efficiently and effectively.

How Should I Use My Double Storey Extension?

When it comes to designing the internal layout for the upper floor of your double storey extension, the possibilities are as diverse as your imagination. While a bedroom might be the conventional choice for the upper half of your extension, at Get Rapid Plans, we encourage you to explore alternative ideas that can truly transform your living space. Here are some fresh perspectives to consider:

  1. Second Bathroom: Enhance the functionality of your home by incorporating a second bathroom on the upper floor. This addition not only caters to the needs of your family but also adds value to your property. Imagine the convenience of having an en-suite bathroom adjoining a bedroom, providing a private retreat for relaxation.
  2. Playroom or Nursery: If you have or plan to have children, the upper floor can be dedicated to creating a vibrant playroom or a cozy nursery. This space can evolve with your family’s needs, accommodating playtime activities, learning, and relaxation.
  3. Home Office or Study: As the demand for home offices continues to rise, consider crafting a tranquil workspace on the upper floor. A well-designed home office or study provides a dedicated environment for productivity, ensuring your work-life balance thrives.
  4. Library Retreat: For the avid readers and book enthusiasts, a small library on the upper floor can become a serene haven for literary exploration. You can create a personalized space where you can escape into the pages of your favorite books.
  5. Connecting Spaces: The upper floor extension can seamlessly connect with existing rooms. An en-suite bathroom can elevate the comfort of the master bedroom, while an extended bedroom, bathroom, or playroom can provide the much-needed space for your growing needs.

At Get Rapid Plans, we understand that your home is a reflection of your lifestyle and aspirations. Our expertise lies in translating your vision into a functional and aesthetically pleasing design. Whether you’re leaning towards a traditional approach or seeking innovative solutions, our team is here to guide you through the design process.

Call us now to embark on your journey towards a creatively designed upper floor for your double storey extension. Get Rapid Plans is here to transform your ideas into a beautiful reality.

What are the rules for double storey extensions in the UK?

Starting on a two-storey extension project requires careful consideration of the rules and regulations that govern such developments. At Get Rapid Plans, we’re here to provide you with clear insights into the guidelines you need to know. Here are the key regulations to keep in mind when planning a two-storey extension:

  1. Rear Extension Limits: For a house with more than one storey, your extension cannot exceed three metres past the back wall of your house. This ensures a balanced and harmonious addition to your existing structure.
  2. Eaves Height: If your extension is within two metres of a boundary, the maximum height of the eaves must not exceed three metres. This maintains a respectful distance from neighboring properties.
  3. Ridge and Eaves Height: The ridge and eaves height of your extension must not surpass the existing height of your property. This maintains the architectural integrity of your home’s silhouette.
  4. Minimum Distance from Boundaries: Your extension must be at least seven metres away from the rear boundaries. This regulation ensures a spacious layout and respects the privacy of neighboring properties.
  5. Roof Pitch: The pitch of your extension’s roof should align with or closely match the pitch of your existing property. This cohesive design approach creates a seamless transition between old and new.
  6. Raised Platforms and Balconies: Planning permission is required for raised platforms, verandas, or balconies. This ensures that structural modifications are in line with safety and aesthetic considerations.
  7. Upper-Floor Windows: Windows on the upper floor in the roof slope or side elevation must be obscure-glazed and non-opening. This maintains privacy and architectural consistency.
  8. Designated Land: Permitted development rights do not cover two-storey extensions on designated land. This underscores the importance of seeking proper approvals for such projects.
  9. Material Consistency: The exterior of your extension should use materials that closely resemble those of the existing property. This ensures a cohesive and visually pleasing appearance.

At Get Rapid Plans, we specialize in translating regulations into practical design solutions. Our team of experts is dedicated to guiding you through the process of designing and obtaining the necessary permissions for your two-storey extension. We understand the significance of adhering to regulations while creating a space that reflects your unique style and preferences.

Call us now to start on your journey towards a beautifully designed and compliant two-storey extension. Get Rapid Plans is here to make your extension dreams a reality.

Do I Need to Comply With Building Regulations?

Building Regulations play a pivotal role in ensuring the safety, quality, and compliance of any construction project, including extensions. At Get Rapid Plans, we recognize the importance of adhering to these regulations to guarantee the success of your project. Here’s what you need to know about Building Regulations and how we can help you navigate this crucial aspect of your extension:

Understanding Building Regulations:

Most building work, whether large or small, needs to comply with Building Regulations. While certain minor outbuildings might be exempt if they fall under a certain size, and internal house modifications may not require Building Control approval if they involve no structural changes, all extensions must adhere to Building Regulations. This ensures that your extension meets specific safety and quality standards.

Approval Process:

Every extension, regardless of its size or complexity, requires approval from the Local Authorities Building Control team or a private building inspector. Some homeowners mistakenly believe that small extensions don’t require approval, but this is not the case. Failing to obtain Building Regulation Approval can have legal and financial implications, affecting property sales and insurance claims.

Benefits of Compliance:

Compliance with Building Regulations offers multiple benefits, such as safeguarding the structural integrity of your extension, ensuring fire safety measures, and adhering to energy efficiency standards. It also ensures that your project is monitored by experts who can spot issues before they escalate, potentially saving you time and money in the long run.

Cost and Process:

The cost of Building Regulations Approval depends on the scope of the work and the size of your extension. The expense is a small investment compared to the overall project cost and offers peace of mind knowing that your extension is built to code.

Professional Assistance:

While builders, architects, or designers can arrange Building Control approval, Get Rapid Plans is here to guide you through the process. We help you integrate compliance with Building Regulations seamlessly into your extension plans. Our expertise ensures that your extension is monitored and inspected at critical stages, minimizing the risk of issues arising later.

Completion Certificates:

Once your application is registered and the work is completed, you will receive confirmation and final certificates. These documents are essential for record-keeping, property sales, and insurance purposes. We encourage homeowners to ensure they receive these certificates to validate the successful completion of their extension.

Navigating Building Regulations doesn’t have to be daunting. With Get Rapid Plans, you have a trusted partner to guide you through every step, from planning to completion. Don’t compromise on the safety and quality of your extension—contact us today to start your extension project with confidence.

Call us now to embark on your extension journey with the assurance of Building Regulations compliance. Get Rapid Plans is dedicated to delivering extensions that exceed your expectations while meeting all regulatory requirements.

When Should I Consider a Double Storey Extension?

If you’re contemplating when a double storey extension could be the right choice for your home, several key factors come into play. When you find yourself in need of more living space within your current property, a double storey extension presents itself as an optimal solution. This extension type grants you the opportunity to seamlessly integrate an entire additional floor to your house, providing ample room for various purposes such as accommodating a growing family, establishing a dedicated home office, or creating a comfortable guest suite.

Consider a double storey extension when you want to:

  1. Expand Living Space: The core advantage lies in the substantial increase in living space. This extension can significantly enhance your home’s interior, offering versatility for entertaining guests, working remotely, or simply enjoying your living environment to the fullest.
  2. Tailored Design: A double storey extension grants you the creative freedom to shape the design according to your unique preferences. Whether you envision an open-plan layout to foster a contemporary feel or prefer a more traditional arrangement, our expertise can help materialize your vision.
  3. Enhanced Natural Light: By incorporating additional windows and doors into your extension’s design, you not only enlarge your living area but also infuse your home with an abundance of natural light. This transformation enhances the brightness and inviting ambiance of your living spaces.
  4. Increased Property Value: Investing in a double storey extension not only augments your home’s functionality but also elevates its overall value. By expanding the available space and introducing valuable amenities, you’re making a strategic investment for the future resale value of your property.


At Get Rapid Plans, we understand the significance of each step in the extension process, from design to execution. If you’re contemplating a double storey extension, our team is ready to collaborate with you, ensuring your project aligns perfectly with your needs and aspirations. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for comprehensive architectural solutions that transform your house into the ideal living space. Call us today to embark on your double storey extension journey.

What Are the Types of Double Storey Extension?

When it comes to expanding your living space, a double-storey extension can be a transformative solution. Homeowners often consider two main options for adding extra room: extending to the rear or to the side of their property. Each choice offers distinct advantages, and at Get Rapid Plans, we’re here to guide you through the process with our expertise.

Adding a Double-Storey Extension to the Rear:

Extending your home to the rear is a popular choice, especially in the UK where many houses boast spacious back gardens. This approach offers several benefits, including the preservation of your home’s existing facade, which typically aligns with local council preferences. As many houses tend to be wider than they are deep, a rear double-storey extension often results in a well-proportioned, square-shaped building. This configuration provides ample space for neatly organized rooms and an enhanced living experience.

Adding a Double-Storey Extension to the Side:

For those with non-terraced properties, a double-storey extension to the side can be a viable option, although planning permission is required due to restrictions on permitted development rights. This choice brings the advantage of increasing the width of your home, enabling you to expand your kitchen, living area, or even create additional bedrooms. If space permits, a double-storey side extension can even be the foundation for a new house, adding both space and value to your property.

At Get Rapid Plans, we understand that making these decisions can be complex. Our team of experts is here to simplify the process for you, providing architectural solutions tailored to your needs. From initial design concepts to obtaining planning permission and overseeing construction, we ensure a seamless journey toward your expanded living space.


If you’re considering a double-storey extension for your home, contact us today. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you in creating a well-designed, functional, and aesthetically pleasing extension that aligns with your vision and requirements. Call us now to embark on the journey of enhancing your living space.

How much does a 2 storey extension cost UK?

Numerous factors play a role in determining the final cost of your project, such as:

Building Regulations and Permissions: Adhering to building regulations and obtaining necessary permissions can contribute to the overall expenses. Ensuring your project meets the required standards may involve additional costs for inspections and approvals.

Size and Design Complexity: The size and intricacy of the design influence costs. Larger extensions or intricate architectural features may require more resources and materials, impacting the final price.

Materials and Quality: The choice of materials directly affects the budget. High-quality finishes, fixtures, and fittings can increase costs, while more budget-friendly options can help manage expenses.

Labour and Workmanship: Skilled labour is a significant factor. Experienced professionals who execute the construction with precision may come at a higher cost, but they can ensure a successful outcome.

Location and Soil Type: The geographical location and soil conditions of your property play a role in determining the construction costs. Unique site conditions might require special considerations and investments.

Additional Costs: Various unforeseen expenses, such as site preparation, utility connections, and potential structural adjustments, can add to the overall project cost.

Size of the Project: It’s a general rule that larger projects entail higher costs. The scale of the extension or renovation project directly correlates with the budget required.

Planning and Design: Investing in thorough planning and design can streamline the construction process and help manage costs. A well-executed plan can minimize potential changes or delays that might incur additional expenses.

as construction costs can vary significantly, understanding these factors is crucial for informed decision-making. At Get Rapid Plans, we specialize in helping clients navigate these considerations. Our experienced team can assist you in designing, planning, and executing your project, ensuring that your kitchen or bathroom extension is both cost-effective and meets your vision.

Contact us today to discuss your project’s details. We’re here to provide you with expert guidance, personalized solutions, and a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing construction costs. Reach out to us to embark on your home improvement journey with confidence.

What Are Permitted Development Rights?

Embarking on a double storey house extension is an exciting endeavor that can transform your living space. However, it’s essential to understand the regulations, permissions, and processes involved to ensure a smooth and successful project. Here’s a breakdown of the key considerations:

Permitted Development Rights:

When planning a double storey extension, it’s crucial to adhere to permitted development rights. These rights grant you the ability to extend your property without the need for planning permission, provided you meet specific criteria. Here are some key constraints to keep in mind:

– Area: The extension’s area must be less than 50% of the total free area around the house.

– Appearance: The exterior appearance of the extension should harmoniously blend with the existing house and the neighborhood’s aesthetics.

– Width: The width of the extension should be within 50% of the width of the existing house.

– Length: For terraced or semi-detached houses, the maximum length of rear extensions is 3m. Detached houses can extend up to 4m.

– Height: Two-storey extensions must not exceed the height of the existing house’s eaves. Single-storey extensions are permitted if the distance to the boundary is less than 2m.

– Balconies and Terraces: Balconies and terraces are not allowed under permitted development rights.

– Designated Areas: Note that rules for permitted development are more stringent in designated areas.

Certificate of Lawful Development:

Even if your project falls within permitted development rights, obtaining a certificate of lawful development from your local council is advisable. This certificate confirms that your extension adheres to the constraints of permitted development.

Planning Permission:

If your extension plans do not align with permitted development rights, you’ll need to apply for planning permission. The complexity of your proposed work might also involve pre-planning considerations.

At Get Rapid Plans, we specialize in guiding homeowners through the intricacies of extension projects. Whether you’re aiming for a double storey extension, adhering to permitted development rights, or obtaining planning permission, our experienced team is here to support you. We prioritize transparent communication, regulatory compliance, and delivering your vision within your budget.

If you’re considering a double storey extension or any other architectural project, reach out to us today. Let’s discuss your ideas, address your queries, and create a path towards transforming your home with confidence. Contact us to embark on a successful extension journey.

What Is the Planning Process?

At Get Rapid Plans, we understand that the journey of a planning application holds immense significance in realizing your architectural vision. By familiarizing yourself with the key steps in this process, you can proactively engage, anticipate responses, and gain insights into the path ahead. Here’s a breakdown of the planning timeline:

  1. Submission to Authority:

   – Your planning application is submitted to the local planning authority, encompassing essential elements like plans, forms, fees, and associated documents.

  1. Validation and Scrutiny:

   – The authority meticulously checks and validates your submission, ensuring all prerequisites are met.

  1. Confirmation of Validity:

   – Upon validation, an official letter is dispatched to you, revealing the determination date. This letter also provides the case officer’s details and a reference number for correspondence.

  1. Community Awareness:

   – The planning authority disseminates awareness of your application. This involves newspaper announcements, lamp post notices, letters to neighbors, and potentially other means.

  1. Consultation and Notification:

   – Relevant consultees, such as water boards and highway authorities, are apprised of the application and its implications.

  1. Public Comment Period:

   – The public is accorded a window of opportunity to provide their valuable comments and insights on the proposed development.

  1. Determination Phase:

   – About two weeks before the decision date, the determination process initiates, taking into account all received comments and considerations.

  1. Decision Issuance:

   – Typically, Planning Permission decisions are rendered around 8 weeks following validation.

   – A majority of planning applications receive approval during this stage, enabling progress.

  1. Appeals and Concerns:

   – In instances of refusal or conditional approval, applicants retain the option to appeal to the Secretary of State.

  1. Timely Involvement:

    – If you learn of a development that raises concern post-application submission, prompt involvement is crucial for effective engagement.

The journey along the planning timeline entails these pivotal stages, culminating in the authoritative decision regarding your application. While timelines may fluctuate, our team at Get Rapid Plans is devoted to supporting you at each juncture. Your successful double storey extension project is our priority, and we are here to provide comprehensive assistance and expertise throughout the planning process.

For personalized guidance and seamless navigation through the planning journey, connect with us today. Give us a call to kickstart your project’s progress, ensuring a smooth trajectory towards securing the necessary planning approvals. Your architectural dreams are just a call away from being transformed into reality.

Double Storey Rear Extensions

A double storey rear extension is a viable option when you want to significantly increase the living space of your home and have limited space available for a single-storey extension. It is ideal for homeowners who require additional rooms, such as bedrooms, bathrooms, or a larger kitchen and dining area. If you want to maximize the potential of your property, enhance its value, and create a seamless indoor-outdoor flow, a double storey rear extension can be the perfect solution.

Double Storey Side Extensions

For properties with unused or underutilized side areas, a double storey side extension can optimize the space, transforming it into functional and versatile living spaces. Ultimately, a double storey side extension is a practical and versatile option for homeowners seeking to expand their living space, add value to their property, and customize their home to suit their evolving needs. It offers a unique opportunity to make the most of available space and create a personalized and spacious living environment.

What Affects Planning Permission?

Size and Scale

The size and scale of your double storey extension play a significant role in determining the need for planning permission. Generally, extensions that exceed specific dimensions require formal approval from the local planning authority.

Proximity to Boundaries

The distance between your extension and the property boundaries can affect the planning permission process. Certain regulations dictate how close a double storey extension can be to neighbouring properties, ensuring adequate privacy and preserving the character of the neighbourhood.

Design and Aesthetics

The design and aesthetics of your double storey extension should blend harmoniously with the existing architecture and the surrounding environment. Striking the right balance between modernity and complementing the neighbourhood’s character can significantly impact planning permission decisions.