Get Rapid Plans Ltd

Architectural Services

Phone: +44 7507 665812 or +44 7538 938251


Get Rapid Plans Ltd

Architectural Services

Phone: 07507 665812 or 07538 938251


Architecture services in Wiltshire Council

Wiltshire, with its picturesque villages, historic market towns, and stunning countryside, is a place where many dream of owning a home. Whether you reside in a charming thatched cottage, a modern farmhouse, or a period property in a bustling town like Salisbury or Marlborough, chances are you’ve considered how to make your Wiltshire dwelling even more perfect.

That’s where the expertise of a local architect can truly elevate your project.

Why Choose an Architecture Services in Wiltshire?

While DIY projects can be rewarding, engaging an architect brings a wealth of benefits:

  • Understanding Wiltshire’s Unique Character: We have in-depth knowledge of the local vernacular architecture, planning regulations, and building traditions, ensuring your project complements Wiltshire’s distinct charm.
  • Navigating Planning Permission: The planning process can be daunting, especially in areas with conservation areas or Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs). We’ll guide you through every step, increasing the likelihood of approval.
  • Design Expertise Rooted in Local Context: We’ll create designs that enhance your property’s existing features, while seamlessly integrating modern comforts and conveniences.
  • Maximizing Your Investment: An architect can help you optimize your budget and avoid costly mistakes, ensuring your project adds value to your property.

Our Architectural Services in Wiltshire:

  • Planning Permission Applications: We’ll manage the entire process, from concept design to detailed drawings and negotiations with the council, ensuring your project gets the green light.
  • Home Extensions: Whether you’re dreaming of a spacious kitchen diner, a sun-drenched garden room, or extra bedrooms, we’ll design an extension that blends seamlessly with your existing home.
  • Barn Conversions: Wiltshire is dotted with beautiful barns that offer exciting potential for conversion into unique living spaces. We’ll transform these structures into characterful homes while preserving their heritage.
  • Renovations and Refurbishments: Breathe new life into your Wiltshire property with a thoughtful renovation. We’ll update interiors, modernize layouts, and enhance energy efficiency while respecting the original architecture.
  • New Builds: If you’re looking to build a new home in Wiltshire, we’ll design a property that celebrates the local landscape and blends harmoniously with the surrounding environment.

Unique Considerations in Wiltshire

  • Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings: Many parts of Wiltshire are protected, requiring sensitive design solutions. We have experience navigating these regulations and securing approvals for projects in historic settings.
  • Rural Properties: We’ll help you create a home that embraces the rural character of Wiltshire, incorporating sustainable features and maximizing views of the countryside.
  • Sustainability: We’ll guide you through incorporating eco-friendly elements into your project, reducing your carbon footprint and creating a healthier home.

Planning Permission Services in Wiltshire :

While planning permission is a single concept, there are different categories depending on the scale and complexity of your project:

  • Outline Planning Permission: This initial stage provides a preliminary green light for your project’s overall concept and location. It doesn’t grant permission for specific design details.
  • Full Planning Permission: This is the most common type and grants permission for the entire project, including detailed plans, materials, and elevations.
  • Listed Building Consent: If your project involves a listed building, you’ll need listed building consent and planning permission in Wiltshire. This ensures any alterations respect the building’s historical significance and architectural heritage.

Factors Affecting Your Application in Wiltshire:

The Wiltshire Council will consider several factors when evaluating your planning application:

  • Local Planning Policies: The council has established Local Plans outlining development guidelines for different areas. Your project must demonstrate alignment with these policies.
  • Design and Impact: The design of your project should be aesthetically pleasing and complement the surrounding architecture. The council will also consider potential impacts on neighbours, traffic flow, and the environment.
  • Heritage Considerations: In areas with historical significance or conservation zones, the council will pay close attention to how your project affects the existing architectural character.

Preparing a Strong Application:

A well-prepared planning application significantly increases your project’s approval chances. Here’s what you can do:

  • Gather Detailed Information: Collect all relevant documents, including site plans, architectural drawings, and ownership details.
  • Craft a Clear Planning Statement: This document outlines the project’s purpose, design rationale, and how it adheres to local planning policies.
  • Consider Sustainability: Incorporate sustainable elements into your design, such as energy-efficient materials or rainwater harvesting systems. This can positively influence the council’s decision.
  • Engage with Neighbors: Proactively communicate your project to your neighbours and address any potential concerns.

The Role of Public Consultation:

The planning process involves public consultation. Your application will be made available for public viewing, allowing neighbours and interested parties to submit comments.  Addressing these comments proactively can demonstrate your commitment to community engagement and potentially avoid delays.

By understanding the different types of planning permission, the factors the council considers, and the steps to prepare a strong application, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the planning process in Wiltshire. Remember, consulting the Wiltshire Council’s website and considering the valuable expertise of an architectural consultant can significantly increase your project’s success and turn your dream space into a reality.

Do You Need Planning Permission? A Wiltshire Breakdown

While the previous section outlined some general scenarios, here’s a more detailed breakdown to help you determine if your project in Wiltshire requires planning permission:

When Planning Permission Likely Isn’t Needed :

  • Internal Alterations: Most internal changes, like renovating a kitchen or bathroom, don’t require permission. However, there are exceptions. If your alterations involve:
    • Moving or removing structural walls
    • Significantly changing the roofline
    • Affecting plumbing or electrical systems beyond basic repairs It’s always best to check the Wiltshire Council’s Permitted Development Rights checker or consult with a planning officer to be certain.
  • Minor External Works:  Small-scale external changes might be permissible without formal planning permission.  These include:
    • Replacing windows with similar size and design
    • Building a small garden shed within permitted size limits (typically under 50 cubic meters)
    • Constructing a patio or decking of a limited size (check council guidelines)

When Planning Permission is Likely Required:

  • Extensions and New Builds:

      Any addition to your existing property, such as an extension, conservatory, or detached garage, will likely require planning permission.  Building a new dwelling on your land will also necessitate a full application.

  • Loft Conversions:

      Converting your loft space into a habitable room usually requires planning permission, especially if it involves structural changes to the roof.

  • Demolition Works:

      Demolishing any building structure, regardless of size, typically requires planning permission.  However, some exceptions might exist for agricultural buildings or garden sheds under a specific size threshold.

    Considering an Architectural Consultant: Your Partner in Wiltshire’s Planning Maze

    While navigating the planning permission process in Wiltshire can be achieved independently, partnering with an architectural consultant offers significant advantages.  Here’s how an architectural firm can be your invaluable asset:

    Unveiling Your Dream’s Potential:

    Vision to Reality: An architectural consultant doesn’t just translate your ideas into drawings; they act as a creative sounding board. They can suggest innovative solutions, optimize space usage, and ensure your dream home aligns with your lifestyle needs and budget.

    Navigating the Planning Landscape:

    • Local Planning Expertise: Architectural consultants are well-versed in Wiltshire’s local planning policies and development guidelines. They can assess your project’s feasibility within the existing framework and advise on potential hurdles or opportunities for a successful application.
    • Streamlining the Process: The planning application process involves various documents and procedures. Architectural firms can handle the technical aspects, saving you time and ensuring all necessary information is presented accurately and effectively.

    Building a Strong Case:

    • Professional Drawings and Visualizations: High-quality architectural drawings and 3D renderings not only fulfil council requirements but also effectively communicate your project’s vision. These visuals can significantly enhance your application’s persuasiveness.
    • Compelling Planning Statements: Architectural consultants can craft a clear and concise planning statement that clearly outlines the project’s purpose, design rationale, and how it adheres to local planning policies. A well-written statement can significantly influence the council’s decision.

    Beyond Approvals: A Long-Term Partnership:

    • Overseeing the Build: Many architectural firms offer additional services, such as project management and construction oversight. This ensures your project stays on track, adheres to the approved plans, and meets the highest quality standards.
    • Sustainable Design Integration: Architectural consultants can incorporate sustainable elements into your project, reducing environmental impact and potentially improving your chances of approval with the council, while also creating a more energy-efficient home.

    Wiltshire Architecture and Planning Cost: Understanding Costs for Your Dream Project

    Dreaming of building or transforming your property in picturesque Wiltshire? Whether you’re envisioning a charming cottage extension, a modern barn conversion, or a new eco-friendly home, understanding the associated costs is key to a smooth and successful project. Let’s delve into the financial landscape of architecture and planning in Wiltshire.

    Architectural Design Fees in Wiltshire

    The cost of hiring an architect in Wiltshire can vary considerably, influenced by several factors:

    • Project Scope: The size, complexity, and type of your project will heavily impact fees. A small extension will naturally be less costly than designing a large custom home.
    • Architect’s Experience and Reputation: Established, award-winning architects often charge higher rates than emerging practices.
    • Service Level: Some architects offer full-service packages covering design, planning, and project management, while others may provide more limited design services.
    • Fee Structure: Common fee structures include hourly rates, a percentage of the construction cost, or a fixed fee for the entire project.

    It’s highly recommended to get quotes from several architects in Wiltshire to compare their fees and services. Don’t hesitate to ask for a detailed breakdown of what’s included in their quote.

    Wiltshire Council Planning Permission Costs

    Wiltshire Council charges fees for processing planning applications. These fees are standardized and vary depending on the type of development you’re proposing.

    You can find the official fees on the Wiltshire Council website here:

    Additional Costs to Consider

    • Pre-Application Advice: Although optional, seeking pre-application advice from the council can save you from costly errors later on. The council charges fees for this service, outlined on their website:
    • Consultant Fees: Depending on your project’s specifics, you might need to hire additional experts like structural engineers, surveyors, or ecologists. Their fees will factor into your overall expenses.
    • Planning Appeal Fees: If your planning application is rejected and you decide to appeal, there will be additional fees.

    Tips for Managing Costs in Wiltshire

    • Budget Wisely: Before starting, establish a clear budget encompassing all potential costs – from architectural design to council fees and consultant expenses.
    • Compare Quotes: Obtain quotes from several architects and consultants to ensure you’re getting the best value for your investment.
    • Phased Approach: If budget is a concern, consider a phased approach to design and construction.
    • Open Communication: Maintain transparent communication with your architect and consultants to keep costs under control and avoid surprises.

    Building Your Dream in Wiltshire

    Understanding the financial aspects of architecture and planning in Wiltshire is crucial for a successful project. By carefully budgeting, comparing options, and working collaboratively with professionals, you can create the home or building you desire while keeping your finances on track in this beautiful part of England.

    Finding the Right Architectural Consultants:

    Wiltshire boasts a wealth of talented architectural firms.  Consider factors like their experience with similar projects, design style compatibility, and their fee structure when making your selection. They meet professional qualifications and ethical standards.

    By partnering with a qualified architectural consultant, you gain a valuable ally in navigating the planning permission process in Wiltshire. Their expertise, experience, and guidance can significantly increase your project’s success rate, transforming your dream home from vision to reality.

    Architectural Services in Wiltshire by Get Rapid Plans

    At Get Rapid Plans, we offer a comprehensive range of architectural services in Wiltshire to cater to your unique needs:

    • Planning Permission Assistance: Expert guidance through the planning permission process.
    • Single Storey Extensions: Design and build additional space for your home.
    • Double Storey Extensions: Expand your living area with a two-story extension.
    • Loft Conversions: Transform your attic into a functional living space.
    • Garage Conversions: Convert your garage into an office, gym, or additional room.
    • Kitchen Extensions: Create a spacious and modern kitchen.
    • Full Architectural Design Services: From initial consultation to project completion.

    Ready to transform your home? Contact us today for a free consultation!


    Building your dream space in Wiltshire requires careful planning and obtaining the necessary permissions. By understanding the requirements, utilizing available resources, and considering the benefits of partnering with an architect, you can navigate the planning process with confidence and turn your vision into a reality.