Get Rapid Plans Ltd

Architectural Services

Phone: +44 7507 665812 or +44 7538 938251


Get Rapid Plans Ltd

Architectural Services

Phone: 07507 665812 or 07538 938251


Rear Extensions

Rear extensions offer an excellent way to optimize living spaces without the hassle of moving. Whether you desire a spacious kitchen, a comfortable home office, or a cozy family room, our expert team is here to turn your dreams into reality. We seamlessly blend the new space with your existing home, ensuring a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing result.

Choose Get Rapid Plans for your rear extension because we bring over 15 years of experience and a successful track record of 1800+ completed projects.  Trust us to navigate the planning process efficiently, delivering exceptional rear extensions that enhance the functionality and value of your home. With Get Rapid Plans, your rear extension project is in capable hands.

Choosing the Right Architect for Your Rear Extension

Hiring the right architect is crucial for a successful rear extension project. Here are some key factors to consider when making your decision:

  1. Experience and Expertise:
  • Look for architects with a proven track record of successful rear extension projects.
  • Ask about their experience with similar property types to yours.
  • Inquire about their qualifications and professional memberships
  1. Design Portfolio:
  • Review the architect’s portfolio to see if their design style aligns with your vision.
  • Look for examples of rear extensions that demonstrate their ability to maximize space and create functional layouts.
  • Pay attention to the architect’s use of light, materials, and overall aesthetics.
  1. Communication Style and Collaboration:
  • Choose an architect who is a good listener and understands your needs and preferences.
  • Look for someone who can clearly communicate complex design concepts and explain the planning process in an understandable way.
  • Ensure you feel comfortable voicing your concerns and collaborating openly with the architect throughout the project.
  1. Fees and Transparency:
  • Discuss fees upfront and get a clear breakdown of costs associated with the architect’s services.
  • Be sure to understand the architect’s invoicing practices and payment schedule.
  • Don’t hesitate to compare quotes from multiple architects to find the best fit for your budget.
  1. Local Knowledge and Regulations:
  • Choose an architect familiar with the local planning regulations and requirements in your area.
  • This can significantly improve the chances of your planning application being approved.
  • An architect with local knowledge can also advise on factors like material restrictions or historical considerations that might impact your project.

By carefully considering these factors and leveraging Get Rapid Plans’ expertise for the planning and execution stages, you can ensure a successful and stress-free rear extension project that adds value and functionality to your home.

Why People Choose Get Rapid Plans

At Get Rapid Plans, we understand the importance of turning your dreams into reality. Whether you’re planning a single storey extension, loft conversion, or a stunning new building, our team of experts is here to bring your vision to life. With over 1800+ successful projects under our belt, we have the expertise to handle any architectural challenge with creativity and precision.

get rapid plans for rear architect

In-Depth Planning Knowledge

Our team at Get Rapid Plans has a deep understanding of the planning regulations and guidelines for rear extensions. This expertise ensures that your application complies with all necessary requirements for a successful planning permission.

Planning And Design

Our experts specialize in tailoring designs to fit your specific preferences and requirements. By considering the unique features of your property and your vision for the extension, we create bespoke plans that enhance both the functionality and aesthetics of your home.

Hassle-Free Process

Navigating the planning process can be complex, but with Get Rapid Plans, you don’t have to worry. We handle all the necessary paperwork and communication with the local authorities, making the planning application process smooth and stress-free for you. Our efficient services ensure a timely response, allowing you to proceed with your rear extension project without unnecessary delays.

Get expert advice to simplify your planning process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I Need Planning Permission for a Rear Extension?

Planning permission requirements for rear extensions can vary depending on the size and location of the proposed project. In some cases, rear extensions can be constructed under permitted development rights, which do not require formal planning permission. These rights grant you the freedom to make specific changes to your property within certain limits, such as size, height, and materials. To benefit from permitted development rights, there are criteria you must adhere to, including restrictions on the extension’s size, its proximity to the boundary, and its impact on neighbors. It’s essential to consult with an experienced architect or contact your local planning authority to confirm whether your intended rear extension falls within the permitted development guidelines.

If your project does not meet these criteria or if you wish to exceed the permitted limits, you will need to obtain planning permission from your local council. At Get Rapid Plans, our team of experts can guide you through the planning process and help you determine whether your rear extension qualifies for permitted development rights or requires formal planning permission. We understand the intricacies of planning regulations in London and will ensure that your project complies with the necessary rules, streamlining the process and increasing the chances of a successful planning outcome. Let us handle the complexities while you focus on bringing your dream rear extension to life.

Why Should I Consider a Rear Extension?

Rear extensions have gained immense popularity among homeowners due to the valuable benefits they offer. One of the main advantages of rear extensions is their ability to optimize living spaces without the hassle and expense of relocating to a new property. Whether you require additional room for a growing family, a larger kitchen to entertain guests, or a dedicated home office space, a well-designed rear extension can cater to your specific needs. Moreover, investing in a rear extension can significantly increase the value of your home, making it a wise financial decision for the long term. By expanding the square footage and enhancing the overall appeal, you not only create a more comfortable living environment but also potentially attract more potential buyers in the future.

Our expert team is here to make your vision a reality. With over 15 years of experience and a portfolio of 1800+ successful projects, we have the expertise to create seamless and aesthetically pleasing rear extensions that transform your living spaces. Don’t miss the chance to optimize your home and add value to your property. Contact us now to start the journey towards your dream rear extension today!

How Long Does Planning Approval Take for a Rear Extension?

The duration for obtaining planning permission for a rear extension in London can vary depending on several factors. On average, the process typically takes around 8 to 12 weeks. However, it’s important to note that this is just an estimate, and the actual time can be longer or shorter based on specific circumstances.

Several factors can affect the time frame for obtaining planning permission, including the complexity of the project, the volume of applications being processed by the local planning authority, the need for additional information or revisions, and whether any objections or comments are received from neighbors or other stakeholders.

To ensure a smooth and timely planning permission process for your rear extension, it is advisable to consult with an experienced architect. They can guide you through the process, handle the necessary paperwork, and help navigate any potential challenges that may arise during the application process.

Get started on your dream rear extension project today! Our experienced team at Get Rapid Plans can handle the planning permission process in London, ensuring a seamless and efficient experience. Contact us now to transform your home and create the perfect living space for you and your family.

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