Get Rapid Plans Ltd

Architectural Services

Phone: +44 7507 665812 or +44 7538 938251


Get Rapid Plans Ltd

Architectural Services

Phone: 07507 665812 or 07538 938251


Transforming Your Hammersmith & Fulham Home: Your Guide to Architectural Design and Planning

Hammersmith and Fulham, with its charming blend of Victorian terraces, modern apartments, and riverside views, is a unique and sought-after corner of London. Whether you’re in a period property or a contemporary flat, you might dream of transforming your home to better reflect your lifestyle and needs.

That’s where the expertise of a local architect can make all the difference.

Hammersmith and Fulham planning permission consultants

Why Choose an Architecture Services in Hammersmith & Fulham?

Navigating planning permission in this borough can be complex, with conservation areas and listed buildings adding extra considerations. A local architect brings invaluable expertise:

  • In-depth knowledge of local regulations: We understand the specific planning requirements and restrictions in Hammersmith and Fulham, ensuring your project complies and avoids unnecessary delays.
  • Design expertise tailored to your property: We’ll create designs that enhance the unique character of your home, whether it’s a Victorian terrace or a modern apartment.
  • Experience with conservation areas and listed buildings: We have a proven track record of securing approvals for projects in sensitive areas, respecting the area’s heritage while delivering your dream home.

Our Architectural Services in Hammersmith & Fulham:

  • Planning Permission Applications: We’ll handle the entire process, from initial consultations and concept designs to detailed drawings and negotiations with the council, ensuring a smooth and successful outcome.
  • House Extensions: Add valuable space and enhance your home’s functionality with a well-designed extension. We specialize in rear, side-return, and wraparound extensions, maximizing natural light and creating seamless transitions between old and new.
  • Loft Conversions: Transform your underutilized loft into a stunning bedroom suite, home office, or multi-purpose space. We’ll work with you to create a design that suits your needs and complements your property’s architecture.
  • Interior Renovations: Refresh your living spaces with a thoughtfully designed interior renovation. We’ll optimize layouts, select finishes and materials, and create a harmonious and personalized environment.

Permitted Development vs. Planning Permission:

The first step is determining whether you need planning permission. For smaller extensions, permitted development rights might offer a faster and less expensive route. The government’s planning portal outlines the limitations for extensions under permitted development: [planning portal gov uk house extensions].

However, if your vision for your extension doesn’t fit within these limitations, you’ll need to apply for planning permission from the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham Council.

Resources for Planning Permission:

The council’s website is a valuable resource for information on the planning application process: [] Here you can find details on:

  • How to apply for planning permission
  • How to comment on existing applications
  • Searching for existing planning applications in your area

Planning Application Process:

The planning application process can involve submitting detailed plans, drawings, and a fee. Consider seeking pre-application advice from the council’s planning department to ensure your proposal aligns with local regulations.

Considerations Beyond Planning:

  • Building Regulations: Even with permitted development or planning permission, your extension must comply with building regulations regarding safety and energy efficiency.
  • Party Wall Agreements: If your extension affects a shared wall with a neighbour, you’ll likely need a party wall agreement in place.

Embarking on your Extension Project:

By understanding the planning process and seeking out the right resources, you can approach your Hammersmith & Fulham house extension project with confidence. Remember, this guide offers a starting point. It’s always best to check with the council’s planning department for the latest information and any specific requirements that might apply to your project.

Benefits of Using a Planning Consultant:

  • Local Expertise: Look for consultants with a proven track record in the Hammersmith & Fulham area. They’ll have a deep understanding of local planning policies and procedures, giving you a significant advantage.
  • Streamlined Process: A consultant can guide you through the entire planning application process, from initial feasibility assessments to navigating council communication and potential appeals.
  • Strong Application Building: Consultants can help prepare a comprehensive and persuasive planning application, increasing your chances of approval.
  • Time and Cost Efficiency: Their expertise can save you valuable time and potentially avoid costly mistakes during the application process.

Finding the Right Architecture Consultant:

  • Search for local firms: Look for consultants with offices in Hammersmith & Fulham or the surrounding areas.
  • Read reviews and testimonials: See what past clients have to say about the consultant’s experience and service quality.

Unique Challenges & Opportunities in Hammersmith & Fulham

  • Conservation Areas: Many parts of Hammersmith & Fulham are designated conservation areas, which means there are stricter planning controls. We’ll guide you through the process, ensuring your project respects the area’s heritage while meeting your modern needs.
  • Listed Buildings: If your property is listed, we have experience working with these unique structures, preserving their historical significance while updating them for contemporary living.
  • Riverside Properties: We’ll help you maximize the potential of your riverside home, designing spaces that take full advantage of the stunning views and natural light.

why choose to Get Rapid Plans for Hammersmith and Fulham planning permission consultants

While Get rapid plans might sound appealing, there are some nuances to consider when it comes to planning permission in Hammersmith & Fulham. Here’s a breakdown of why focusing solely on speed might not be the best strategy:

Quality over Speed: Planning applications in Hammersmith & Fulham require careful preparation and adherence to local policies. Rushing the process can lead to:

    • Incomplete applications: Missing crucial information can result in delays and requests for revisions, ultimately taking longer.
    • Overlooked details: Local restrictions or potential objections might be missed, jeopardizing approval.

Building a Strong Case: A well-crafted application with a clear understanding of local policies and community considerations has a higher chance of success. This takes time and expertise to achieve.

However, there are ways to achieve a balance:

    • Early Consultant Involvement: Engaging a consultant early allows for efficient planning and avoids last-minute scrambling.
    • Focus on Clarity and Completeness: Providing all necessary information upfront streamlines the process with the council.
    • Phased Approach: A consultant can break down the process into manageable stages, keeping things moving without compromising quality.
    • Pre-application advice: The Hammersmith & Fulham Council offers pre-application consultations to discuss your project’s feasibility and potential issues.
    • Fast-track applications: For certain minor developments, the council might offer a faster turnaround, but it’s still crucial to meet all requirements.


While speed can be desirable, prioritize a thorough and compliant application for a stress-free process and higher success rate. A good Architecture and planning consultant can help you achieve both efficiency and a strong application for your Hammersmith & Fulham planning permission.