Get Rapid Plans Ltd

Architectural Services

Phone: +44 7507 665812 or +44 7538 938251


Get Rapid Plans Ltd

Architectural Services

Phone: 07507 665812 or 07538 938251


Change of Use

You need a Change of Use application when you plan to change the primary use of a property. For instance, if you want to convert a commercial building into residential apartments, or if you wish to change a residential property into a shop or office space, you will require a Change of Use application.

A Change of Use application is a formal request submitted to the local planning authority to seek permission for altering the existing purpose or function of a building or land. This process is necessary when you want to convert a property from its current designated use class to a different use class.

Contact us now to explore the possibilities and turn your vision into reality with a successful Change of Use application that adds value and maximizes your property’s potential.

Get your application approved fast with our expert advice.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does a Change of Use Application Take?

The processing time for planning applications can vary depending on the complexity of the project, the workload of the local planning authority, and the type of application being submitted. On average, planning applications in London may take anywhere from 8 to 13 weeks to receive a decision.

Engaging a professional architect or planning consultant can help streamline the process and ensure all necessary paperwork is submitted promptly. We can also provide valuable insights into local planning regulations and potential challenges that may arise, which can help quicken the approval process.

It’s essential to start the application process as early as possible to avoid unnecessary delays and ensure that your project progresses smoothly. By working with our experienced professionals and providing all required information, you can increase the likelihood of obtaining Change of Use permission in a timely manner.

Do I Need Planning Permission for Change of Use?

The need for planning permission for a Change of Use depends on the specific circumstances and the type of property you are considering. In some cases, you may be able to change the use of a property without the need for formal planning permission under permitted development rights. However, in other situations, planning permission may be required.

To determine whether you need planning permission for a Change of Use, you should consult with your local planning authority or seek advice from a qualified architect. They can assess your property and advise you on the applicable regulations and requirements.

Remember, obtaining planning permission for a Change of Use is crucial to ensure compliance with local planning policies and avoid potential legal issues. Trust our team at Get Rapid Plans to guide you through the process and secure the necessary approvals for your Change of Use project, maximizing the potential of your property and achieving your desired outcome.

What Use Classes are there?

Use classes are specific planning categories that define the primary function or purpose of a building or property. 

  • Use Class B is designated for businesses that supply people and includes:

    • B2 for General Industrial purposes
    • B8 for Storage and Distribution activities
  • Use Class C is designated for locations where people sleep and includes:

    • C1 for Hotels
    • C2 for Residential Institutions
    • C2A for Secure Residential Institutions
    • C3 for Homes
    • C4 for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs)
  • Use Class E is a versatile category covering Commercial, Business, and Service uses. This class encompasses a wide range of activities, including shops, offices, restaurants, light industrial establishments, and more.

  • Use Class F1 is for Learning and Non-residential Institutions and includes institutions such as schools, galleries, museums, and other educational facilities.

  • Use Class F2 is for Local Community Uses, catering to local community facilities and amenities.

  • Sui Generis is a unique category that encompasses any use that doesn’t fall into the previous classes. It covers diverse and specialized activities that require individual consideration.

It is essential to identify the correct use class when seeking planning permission, as it determines the permitted activities and any potential change of use requirements for a property or development. Whether you’re looking to change the function of a building or explore new opportunities for development, we can guide you through the planning process to maximize the value and versatility of your space. Contact us now to unlock the possibilities of your property transformation!

The Process

Initial Consultation

Our expert team will begin by understanding your requirements and the current use class of your property. We’ll discuss your vision for the change and conduct a thorough assessment to ensure a viable proposal.

Comprehensive Plans

Our architects prepare all necessary documentation, including detailed plans and drawings, tailored to meet the requirements of the local planning authority.

Efficient Application Handling

We manage the entire application process, ensuring accurate and timely submission. Our team keeps you informed throughout and assists with any potential appeal or conditions to ensure a smooth implementation of your approved Change of Use.

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At Divi we understand that your home is your sanctuary, and we’re here to help you bring your vision to life. With our exceptional quality, timeless designs, and personalize customer service, we strive to exceed your expectations every step of the way.
